Chapter 9 - Audition day

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Heyy guys! :) 

Lea Preston

I got my script for the play at the nearby box. I saw girls. Pretty girls with heels, lipsticks and make up. I was a little insecure. I know that I wasn't fit for the part. I read the first two line of the script. I was interesting. The girl in the story was adventurous. I look at the girls again and asked myself if they can really do this part. Eventhough I haven't talked to this girls I know that they'll audition for lead role. 

I was quite distracted by the loud voices by the girls so I decided to go far from them. I walked down the hallway and walked to the garden. I saw a nearby bench under the tree. I smiled because of the nice spot. I walk going there. I look around to see all the people around me. Some are kissing and hugging. They shouldn't do this in public. Ohh well. I can't do anything. Students like me are not that noticeable. They just look at us like we're shadows. Others are just reading and some are writing. Some are listening to music and some are just staring at things or person just like me. 

I just love looking at them. I love looking around. Especially here at the park. Our school has its own garden. I came here when I'm not doing anything or if I just want to be alone. I look at my script again and started reading it again. 

During the second last week of school before summer Ryan Proud fell 50 feet down to the ground, from 'most popular' to something that was equal to the "The Black Plaugue" Nobody knew why exactly, but all the popular kids started avoiding him, and the rest of the student body followed expectantly. Every lunch hour he would sit by himself --all by himself-- with an entire lunch table to his fancy. Nobody dared to talk to him-- nobdy even walked near him-- afraid they might catch whatever it was he had suddenly caught overnight. 

"So the lead role's name is Ryan"  I whispered. I kinda pity this guy. The story line is quite interesting. I look at the entrance of the school and grinned. I saw a Lamborghini, and thought of Clay. "Clay" I murmured. Of all the people in this world why Clay? Ughh, Clay you're driving me crazy. I remembered what Clay said. That he'll be joining the play. If Clay will join he might get the lead role. Hahahaha. Clay will act like a nothing. Seroiusly? Can Clay really act like that? 

I saw a guy coming out of the shiny black Lamborghini and it was Clay. I hid at other side of the tree. "I hope that he didn't saw me here" I whispered while putting my index and middle finger together. I stayed in that position for awhile. I look at the script again. I told myself that I should really join the play. I love doing this. I held the script in my arms ang hugged it. 

I read the next part from where I ended earlier. But somebody poked me. Whhhhhhyyyy? I hope that it won't be Clay. I want to be alone. I turn around to check who poked me. It was Clay! Clay! Clay. Why him? Ughh. The moment I turn around his face was directly in front of me. He was looking at me. Our face was really inches apart again. This happen at the hill when we watched the sunrise. I look away but he held my hand. He was so strong that I almost fell. Our faces was really really really near now. I can't breath properly. I knew that I was blushing. I feel so  embarass. 

"So, are you hiding from me?" Clay asked me playfully. 

I hate it when he's playing with me. Our faces was still near so I can't move that much. I just move my head from right to left. To tell him that I wasn't hiding from him. Even if I was.

"Clay! Let'ss go! Stop flirting" a voice shouted from a far. Clay let go of my hand. Haa! thank you, Lord. Clay stood up. He offered his hand to me. I slapped it. 

"I can stand by myself" I said smiling.

"Oh really, Clumsy" He said while laughing.

"You should get going now" I offered.

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