Chapter I: The Northuldra

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"I've got it!" Iduna yelled, catching the ball of water in her hands. It bounced a bit, but the spherical shape held.

"Get ready, Astrid!" She said as she threw the ball hard to her friend. Astrid caught it easily, and then threw it to Georg.

All of the children in the circle held their breaths while the ball was soaring through the air, and let it out again once Georg had it safely in his hands.

"Are you ready, Iduna?"

"Of course!" She replied.

Georg threw it weakly, and the ball would have hit the ground if it weren't for the Wind Spirit, who swept it up in its hold.

The Wind Spirit carried the ball right into Iduna's waiting arms.

Iduna giggled as she felt the breeze around her.
"Thank you," she said gratefully.

Then they all shot Georg a look. Georg looked down, muttering a "sorry."

Iduna was preparing to throw when they heard a yell.

"Children! It's time for bed!"

There was a collective groan as they dejectedly walked back to their houses. Iduna set the ball on the ground, and the water let go of its spherical shape and seeped into the dirt.

"Goodnight Iduna! Goodnight Georg!" Astrid yelled as she ran to her house.

"Goodnight!" Came Georg's reply.

"See you tomorrow!" Called Iduna.


Tomorrow was the day when the Arendellians would come. It was the first time in forever that they would set foot in the Enchanted Forest.

Iduna couldn't wait.

They were coming to present them with a dam, which helped strengthen their waters.

Iduna had heard her mother muttering about how the dam was actually hurting their water supply, but Iduna thought she must be wrong. After all, why would somebody give a gift that made things worse? Iduna pondered over it all the way to her house.

"Iduna!" her mother cried when she opened the door to her house.

"There you are! I was worried! You know better than to be outside at night. What if the Earth Giants had gotten you?"

Her mother wrung her hands.

Iduna kissed her cheek.

"Please, mother. You know the Earth Giants are friendly creatures."

Her mother sighed.

"I guess so. But please be more careful, darling."

Iduna smiled.

"I will mother. Don't worry, I won't ever leave you."

Iduna knew her mother could be overprotective at times, but she knew it was because of Olivia.

Olivia had been eight when she fell tragically off a cliff and died. Her mother cried for months. Iduna had been too young to remember it, but she still mourned her sister at times. What would it be like to be able to have an older sibling who play with her and teach her new things? She would never know.

"Come on. Go to bed," her mother told her. "We have a big day tomorrow."

Iduna grinned.

She would meet the Arendellians tomorrow!
She snuggled into her bed, pulling the covers up to her chin.

Her mother sat down on the chair next to the fireplace, flames dancing across her eyes. The Fire Spirit had lit it earlier that day, and it still raged strong. It would fade when the Fire Spirit went to sleep, but by that time Iduna and her mother would be asleep as well.

"Mother?" Iduna asked quietly.

"Hmm?" Her mother replied, still looking at the fire.

"What will tomorrow be like?"

"Only Ahtohallan knows."

Her mother often said that phrase, and Iduna found it a bit redundant at times. She wanted to know the details, not a macabre vague phrase as her answer!

Iduna shifted a bit in her bed, trying to get comfortable.



"Will you sing to me?"

Her mother smiled.

"Of course, darling."

She took a deep breath before she sung,

"Where the Northwind
Meets the sea
There's a river
Full of memory
Sleep my darling, safe and sound
For in this river all is found."

Iduna's eyes fluttered closed.

"In her waters
Deep and true
Lie the answers
And a path for you
Dive down deep into her sound
But not too far, or you'll be drowned."

She let out a deep breath, feeling her mother's words envelop her. The song always made her feel safe.

"Yes, she will sing for those who hear
And in her song
All magic flows
But can you brave what you most fear
Can you face
What the river knows?"

Iduna was almost asleep, and she barely heard her mother sing the last verse:

"Where the Northwind
Meets the sea
There's a mother full of memory
Come my darling
Homeward bound
Where all is lost,
Then all is found."

A Mother Full Of Memory: An Agnarr and Iduna FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now