A lost cause

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Frantically, I picked him up walking fast to find somewhere to get help, I didn't exactly know where we we're as everything around me was massive now but I was determined to find some sort off help for Chucky.

I don't know how long we were walking for, until Chucky weakly pointed to a small shop in the distance "There" he whispered towards me "You sure" I asked raising an eyebrow 'It looks dodgy' I thought "Do you want me to live or not!?" He shouted, I quickly nodded my head and headed towards the small shop.

We made our way towards the small secluded shop, I looked around to see if there was any signs off a window open which successfully there was, I carefully but quickly jumped onto a step carefully grabbing Chucky with me; he grunted in pain as I lifted him up "Sorry" I whispered, I finally got him through the window and onto a bench "Where shall I go now?" I questioned, he pointed towards a little room "Back there" I nodded and swiftly jumped down, I turned and grabbed Chucky's hand pulling him with me.

We quickly made it into the small room without being detected by the shop owner, I saw a small table so I decided to place Chucky on top off it "There" I sighed in relief, "What should I do now?" I asked "Stitch me up" he bluntly stated "What!?" I shouted "I can't, I'll hurt you or maybe end up killing you.... oh god" I started hyperventilating "Aspen!" I shot my head towards Chucky "You can, I trust you" He gave me a weak smile "Now quickly" he ushered me towards some shelves.

What I found in the shelves were, string, thread; knife, tape and a tweezer 'This will do' I thought. I ran over to Chucky "Got some things" I climbed on the table, he cringed at the sight "Just get it over and done with" he said as he looked away "Okay" I quietly replied, I pulled his shirt up a bit "I need something to bite on" he grabbed my arm, I gave him a bit off my dress "I know it's not much but just bite on this" I handed him the end.

I looked at the open wound terrified but I knew I had to do this, I carefully placed the needle into his skin and weaved the thread through; I weaved through a couple off times then broke the thread notting it up carefully, after I placed a bandage over the top making sure the thread doesn't come undone "Done" I smiled in glee.

He looked down at the bandage "You did good" he said admiring my work, I grabbed his hand to quickly pull him up.

Suddenly the door opened revealing the shop owner, he snapped his head towards us; "What in the hell!" He yelled, I grabbed onto Chucky arm "We have to go now" I whispered he nodded in agreement and we ran towards the little window. Chucky jumped on the window sill about to grab me, but suddenly the man grabbed my leg "LET GO!" I screamed "Nope, you'll do good" he chuckled "GIVE HER BACK YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Chucky screeched; he leaned towards the man holding me but got battered out the way.

I tired with all I had to get out off the guys grip, punching, biting; even scratching but nothing was working "CHUCKY!" I screamed hoping he could hear me. He placed me on the counter, "Sit and be a good little doll" he laughed to himself "I will kill you" I growled he only laughed "Sure you can" he sat down him his seat picking his.... nose 'EW' I shivered in disgust.

Out the corner off my eye I saw a little figure move behind an isle 'Chucky' I thought happily smiling to myself, which caught the attention off the man "What're you smiling about doll" he quizzed "Oh nothing" I hummed, the man went back to doing what he was doing before so I peaked down and saw Chucky give me a grin. I knew what he was planning to do so I waited patiently for it to happen, once I looked down again Chucky was gone until I heard something "Pss!" I looked down to see Chucky "Hold on" he whispered, I nodded back to him.

Suddenly the man got up, "Your coming with me" he went to grab me until he screeched our in pain, there in his arm was a knife "She isn't going anywhere" I heard a voice, I looked to the other side to see Chucky pissed "You son of a bitch" the man grimaced pulling the knife out "You'll pay for that" he swung the knife at Chucky who barely missed 'He's hurt, I have to do something' I thought as I looked around to see a small knife in a draw.

I quickly grabbed the object, turning towards the man fighting Chucky "Oi!" I shouted "Forgot about someone" I chuckled as a smirk appeared on my face "Where did you get that!" The man shouted "Oh, you know in that draw" I pointed towards the draw wide open "It's not good to lay weapons over the place, isn't it Chucky?" I asked as I swung the knife around my hand "Oh course not" Chucky confirmed "If you want I can show you where they go?" I asked the man, he looked at me pissed "I'll show you where they go!" He shouted lunging at me.

I swiftly dodged the blade, jumping next to Chucky "Ready?" I asked "Hell yeah, I'm a killer after all" he chuckled.

The man lunged for us raising the knife in the air, we dived out the way cutting his sides in the process; he let a hiss as he turned around. 'If I just....' I thought as I threw the knife landing right in his right eye 'Balls-eye' I laughed, he screamed out in pain as he yanked the knife out "YOU BITCH" he screamed; he ran towards me but Chucky jumped in the way "Oi fucker" Chucky threw the knife into his chest but not before the man grabbed onto Chucky's leg "Shit" was the last thing he said as he got thrown into the air "HOLD ON!" I yelled, I ran off the end off the table leaping on the chair grabbing onto the fan, then letting go falling straight into Chucky "WATCH OUT!" I yelled he looked up at me shocked. I grabbed onto his back shielding his as we headed towards the glass window.


Was all I heard as we landed on the pavement.

Darkness consumed me.


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