A little game

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Waking up to see the rays of the sun casting through the window, I sat up sighing as events of yesterday seeped into my head. Groaning, I quickly got up and got changed, I needed some coffee and breakfast if I want to make it through the day.

Once I changed I made my way downstairs to be wafted with a smell off pancakes, I made my way into to the kitchen to stop in my tracks. Chucky was standing on a chair facing the oven, it seemed he was cooking something. I walked towards the table and sat down, he didn't seem to notice my presence "What you making?" I asked the doll, he jumped "Shit! Don't do that will you?".

After I finished the breakfast Chucky prepared for us, I got up and made my way to the sink to put the dishes away. Placing them away, I sat on the sofa, grabbing the remote on the side, I went to turn the TV on when Chucky grabbed it out off my hands, I snapped my head towards him "I was going to watch something", he rolled his eyes.

Standing up he turned to face me, "I need your help", I turned to face him "You need what now?" I asked him. He groaned "Don't make me say it again toots", smiling I leaned closer "You need what?". He huffed "Help", I smirked "What with?" I asked the ginger; stepping down from the sofa, he looked up at me smirking "I need help with a job that I have to do".

I looked at him skeptically "What is this job?" I asked, he massaged his head "Unfinished business, now stop asking questions and take me". I scoffed as I got up "I'm not taking orders from a doll, so no I won't take you, you'll have to find a way to get to your destination a different way". I walked up the stairs, I really don't need this right now and I don't want to help him as he's a talking doll who's a serial killer that should have been dead for years.

I sighed in content when I knew I couldn't hear him anymore, well that was short lived as a knife pierced through the door; I squeaked jumping back, the knife got pulled out to my luck. Suddenly, Chucky began repeatedly stabbing the knife into the door "You don't get to say no and then walk off Aspen" he stated in a venomous tone.

Looking around the room, I knew I had to do something as he had a knife in his hand ready to kill. Looking up at my wardrobe, I smiled as a light bulb turned on in my head. 'That will do' I grabbed my desk chair quietly and placed it by the dresser, hopping up I carefully stood on the chair hoping not to fall, once I got my balance I swiftly climbed up onto my wardrobe, I kicked the chair away just in time for him to burst through the little hole he made in the now buttered door.

Backing up, I moved further back towards the wall so I wouldn't get detected, all I could hear was scurrying around and things getting thrown everywhere "Where the fuck are you". I swallowed as the words sent a chill down my spine 'Shall I pounce' I suddenly thought, I mean it sounds like a great idea but could end up being the worst decision ever, so my mind came to an agreement and I'm going to stay up here as long as I can.

He's been standing still for about 4 minutes now, what is he thinking 'Maybe he gave up?' I thought; sure a killer giving up on trying to find his victim 'Sure' I rolled my eyes.

Titling my head down, I looked down at the doll looking up at me with his bright blue eyes, cussing out towards myself. I quickly got down from the wardrobe, "You won, fine! Where the hell do you need to go as I'll take you".

Edited: 20/03/22

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