Weird thing

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Letting out a sigh, I look towards the doll sitting on my bed, he looked around my room. He turned back around to me annoyed "What?" He asked, I gulped.

"How are you alive?" I asked, he rolled his eyes "Look toots I ain't saying as you'll snitch or try to kill me" he scoffed, 'How rude' I thought.

I kept pestering the little doll until he looked agitated "Ugh for fuck sake fine!" He growls in annoyance, in that moment he snapped his head up towards me with a smirk across his face "Ever heard of Charles Lee Ray?" he asked, "Yes" I say quickly.

"Well your looking at him" Chucky raises his arms "You kidding?" I laugh, once I see the glare he gives me a freeze in place. "Your not joking" I nervously laugh "Does it look like I am!" he snaps "No" "Okay...well how?" I ask "Tsk.... ever heard off voodoo?" He asked as he crosses his arms "Well yeah" "Well I used voodoo when fucking Mike shot me, I transferred my soul into a Good Guys Doll" he stated leaving me dumbfounded "This is a lot to take in" I chuckle.

Looking around my room, I began thinking. He has to be telling the truth, I mean he can walk and talk.

"Okay, so say it is true, then how did they still pronounce that you died?" I asked the doll, he shrugged his shoulders "Maybe because people don't believe in supernatural shit?". I nodded in understanding, it does make sense because everyone still think that he's dead.

He turned to a face me as a smirk made it's way onto his face, I raised an eyebrow towards the ginger. He got up from the bed and stalked over to me "How do you know voodoo because I can't help but notice witchcraft things around your room?". I stifle a laugh, "I don't practise witchcraft, I just do teriot readings and try to talk to my deity".

He stands back thinking, "Your crazy". I look at him dumbfounded "How am I crazy, your a walking, talking doll that should of have died years ago!". I quickly got up from the bed, is this doll serious?. Laughing erupted through the room as the doll clutched his stomach "I knew that would get a rise out off you", I rolled my eyes as I sat back down.

The doll got up from the bed and began walking around my room, I raised an eyebrow till be grabbed a small olden book nestled on the floor. Widening my eyes, I grabbed the book from his hands "What you got there?" He asked, I nervously laughed as I clutched the book "Just an old book form when I was younger, nothing special" I waved it off.

The doll got back on my bed, "Your diary?" He asked, I shook my head "Something to do with witchcraft?" I nodded my head. He smirked as I snatched the book from under my arms, I went to grab it but he slipped off the bed, "Wow, this is something else, you have a whole list in who you would curse". Sighing, I looked at the doll as he read the contents of the childhood book, "How to curse people you hate? Wow toots you are crazy as they come", I scoffed "It was when I was younger, I didn't know any better".

He scoffed "This one looks recent, you sure you wrote this when you were younger?", 'Shit' I thought as he began reading the page "If I could, I would curse a shit load of people from my work and the school I used to go to, they all deserve it". I facepalmed as he carried on reading, "Starting with Lilly, she's a stone cold bitch", he looked up at me "It sounds you really hated her guts".

I nodded before looking away, I was annoyed. Annoyed at him for liking through something I thought I burned. Annoyed at myself for still acting like a child. I'm an adult now, it shouldn't bother me, but somehow it still does, and writing it down has helped, but not enough.

A heard the book close as he stepped on the bed, I turned to face him "What?" I asked, he chuckled as he sat down next to me. "Your crazy, like me", I scoffed "I'm not like you". He rolled his eyes "You talked about killing people in the book Aspen, that sounds like crazy talk to me". Looking at the doll I grabbed his collar of his tiny top "I was angry and writing shit down helps me, who cares if I wrote down things that sound crazy! It was what I was feeling at the time! At least I'm not the one who acts upon it!".

Dropping the doll, I grab the book and place it away, turning back around to the doll, I looked down at him "And leave this house!".

Edited: 20/03/22

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