You've got what you wanted

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If your sensitive to this topic of suicide then I suggest you skip but if not then you can carry on. I'll tell you when to stop reading then when to begin.
Thank you!
It was the next morning, sadly I had to go to the store to buy some groceries; Chucky didn't want to tag along so I didn't mind to go by myself.

As I got to the store I ran down the food isle and grabbed as much food as possible, as I was walking towards the till something caught my eyes; across the street was a doll shop and I saw the most beautiful doll I have ever seen. Once I brought the food we needed I made my way over towards the shop, as I stepped inside I saw rows off dolls lined up some looked freaky and broken but the one that caught my eye was at the far back.

I speed walked over and picked up the doll, she had bright blue eyes that made her pale skin stand out; she was wearing a beautiful black dress that reached down to her knees with a cute black jacket; her black shiny hair shone in the dim light 'This is the one' I thought happily.

I walked over to the cashier, "I would like to get this please" I asked politely; he eyed me up and down unsure why I would want to buy such a doll "It's for my niece" I lied, he didn't question anything after that so I handed him the money and made my way towards my car "I can't show Chucky what I brought, he will go ballistic" I realised.

I hoped out the car grabbing the doll and groceries with me, "I'm back!" I shouted "In here!" I heard Chucky shout; I hid the doll under the sofa and made my way to the kitchen "What are you doing?" I quizzed, he turned towards me "Cooking" he replied, I placed the groceries on the island "I needed this!" Chucky shouted "Glad I went shopping then huh?" I laughed; he nodded his head.

Once I finished the lovely lunch I quietly sneaked into the living room, I grabbed the doll and legged it upstairs; once I got in I locked the door and placed the doll in my wardrobe "So pretty" I whispered "Who's pretty?" I heard a voice from behind me "AH! Shit Chucky don't do that!" I shrieked "Wait... how did you get in; I locked the door" I asked confused, he chuckled and lifted up a hair clip "I have my ways, so let me ask again... who's pretty?" His face fell "Me!" I quickly said back "Sure" he rolled his eyes and started walking off "HEY! I AM PRETTY" I shouted back "Okay you are" he replied before stopping in his tracks, he whipped around his eyes growing wide "Did you just...." I quietly responded "Uh..." once he said that he jolted downstairs.

That night we were watching The breakfast club (A/N: Great movie by the way :)) when Chucky spoke "Aspen why is there a doll in your wardrobe?" I froze 'Shit' "Aspen?" I turned towards Chucky "What doll?" I asked, he saw right through me "The black haired one" he responded "Never heard of it" I gulped "Yes you do that's why you ran upstairs after lunch and locked your door" he pointed a finger at me; "Fine.... you caught me" I sighed "Why do you have a doll?" He sternly asked "What do you think" I sassily replied "Aspen I told you no" he sighed crossing his arms "I know but-" "No buts" I sighed, maybe he's right but.... "I want to Chucky, I'm not going to let it go" I stared at the doll crossing my arms "I don't want you to to get hurt" "Everyone gets hurt every single day Chucky it won't be different" I stated "True but-" "No buts" I copied.

After that we stayed in silence, 'Come on Aspen make him say yes' I pleaded "Chucky" I looked to him "Please, I'll do anything" I begged, he looked away "Don't Aspen" I could tell it was kinda working so I tried again "Chucky please, help me" I pleaded "Aspen" 'It's workingish' "Chucky-" "FUCKING FINE, JUST DONT COME CRYING TO ME WHEN YOU WANT TO GO BACK" he screamed I could see regret, fear and anger in his eyes 'Shouldn't off pushed' I sadly thought looking down.


We made our way onto the living room floor, the doll was in my arms while Chucky was behind me; "Your seriously going to kill yourself for this?" He asked, I nodded "Yes". Chucky handed me a knife with shaky hands I took it, "It will be over soon" he reassured me; I took my last breath as I plunged the knife into my chest.

Pure darkness


"Aspen?" I heard a voice, I blinked "What happened?" I asked clutching my head "AH! My chest!" I grab ahold off my chest in pain "Be careful" I looked over to Chucky "How are we the same size" I asked "You don't remember?" He asked concerned, I shook my head "No... should I?" I ask; he nods his head "You Uh... killed yourself so you could be like me or something like that" he waved his hand around, I looked around 'Everything is so big' I thought as I looked down at my plastic hands 'WAIT PLASTIC!' I screamed in my head. I shot my head towards Chucky who was looking at me so concerned "You okay?" He asked grabbing my hands "I think so" I whispered, "Well you've got what you wanted, your a doll now" he chuckled.

"I wanna be like you" (Chucky x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن