A Crazy Birthday Present

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The island was piled with all of my favorite breakfast foods. Normally, our chef made the food, but Dad always made breakfast for me on my birthday. I had never had a birthday where he had not cooked my breakfast, except before Mom died. Mom and Dad had done it together then. 

I felt a grin growing on my face as I looked at Dad and Benjamin's excited faces. I ran over to them and hugged Dad before ruffling Benjamin's hair again.

"Happy Birthday, Joseph." He said as I hugged him, the pride and contentedness in his voice caused my heart to feel so full it would burst, so I hugged him even tighter.

"Thanks, Dad!" I pulled away and glanced at the food. "Mmmm, that looks really good, Dad."

He nodded and waved his hand towards it, "Well, grab a plate, then, young man!" Dad grinned again.

So that's what I did. Throwing caution to the wind, I filled my plate to the brim. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, fruit, even some ice cream! I normally would have showed some more self-control, but today was my birthday, I was happy, and my Dad had worked so hard to make this for me. I might as well splurge once a year. 

I sat down at the island to eat. Benjamin must have eaten already, because he merely sat down across from me and watched me, eyes filled with even more excitement and expectation. I raised my eyebrows at him, and his eyes squinted like he was trying to hide the fact that he was about ready to burst; there must be another surprise coming. 

Dad also filled a plate and sat down to eat with me. We did not talk much because I was too busy eating the food, and the two of them were too busy stealing not-so-subtle glances of excitement at each other.

Josh and Liam walked into the room part of the way through breakfast. They just looked at the table, glanced at Dad and I, got some food, and went to leave the room. Dad looked up at them and cleared his throat. "Don't you have something to say?" he said with a smile and a glance at me. I barely noticed the irritation in his voice and the slight-glare he leveled at them.

"Happy birthday, Joseph." they said in tandem. No emotion sounded in their tones or showed in their faces.

"Thanks," I smiled slightly, hoping for even a slight smile in return. Liam just rolled his eyes and they both left the room, muttering quietly to each other.

Dad grunted. "I need to talk to those two." frustration shone in his eyes, but when he looked at me the smile returned. "Hurry and finish your food, I can't wait to give you your birthday present!"

Benjamin jumped down from his seat and scurried out of the room at this statement, leaving me gazing after him. Dad nudged me and nodded towards my food again. 

I smiled and complied, finishing my food, all the time wondering what this surprise might be. When I finished my food, Dad eagerly grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room. Benjamin met us in one of the halls, jumping up and down and squealing. Together, the three of us walked to the front door of the house.

"Close your eyes," Dad said eagerly. I did. He opened the door and guided me through. Benjamin grabbed my arm, squealing even more than he had yet, and throwing off my balance as he tugged on my arm.

"Alright, open your eyes!" Dad exclaimed. I opened my eyes slowly, and my mouth dropped open, my body frozen. No. Way.

A beautiful Disigno Diamond White Bright Mercedes AMG was sitting at the bottom of the stairs of the mansion. For a few seconds I just stared at the car, then, finally able to shake myself back into the present, I slowly turned to my father, the shock etched on my face.

 His face was shining with excitement. All I could do was look down at the car in shock again.

"Beautiful, isn't she?" Dad asked. I nodded my head, still in a daze. 

"Wha--?" I squeaked. "You bought a--?"

 Dad nodded, a chuckle escaping his lips, "Well, why don't you go down there and try it?!"

I looked over at my father in shock again, "Really?" I breathed. 

"Oh, yes, really. Go on! Try it!" Dad exclaimed.

Benjamin pulled my arm even harder than he had been, this time in the direction of the car. "Come on, Joey! You have to come and try it!"

I broke out of my daze and a smile started creeping onto my face. I slipped my arm out of Benjamin's grip and ran into Dad's arms. "Thanks so much, Dad! This has to be the best thing I have ever gotten!" The beam on my face grew to match the one on his.

Then just as quickly as I had turned to hug Dad, I was running down the stairs towards the car, ready to try it out. I did not even remember that I still had my pajamas on.

My Name is JosephHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin