The Meeting

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-The meeting-
The winter breeze sways through the random path she had taken. No one would care. This is the time she had been waiting for, lying on the cold, hard ground. Staring at the pale, blue sky, she mutters, ‘It’s the end’. Not even minding on closing her eyes, she drifted to her paradise, her very own land. A place filled with beautiful flowers and surely had a future. A figure walks towards her. It seemed like someone passing by, she didn’t budge at all. No one would care. Even if she was lying in the middle of the street. Not like they would ever mind the business of a useless, filthy soul, as they are like her themselves.

A few moments passed, her vision was definitely getting more blurry. She hadn’t eaten for the past few days she had woken up in this little district. She herself doesn’t know why she is here. All she could remember is the crying, the regrets of somewhat her ‘loved’ ones. Maybe this is the afterlife. If this was the afterlife, then why is it ending so quickly? No one would know.

It’s the end.

The figure that was walking towards her earlier was looking at her face.  ‘Silver..?’ she thought. She remembers something, this lad was definitely the one she saw yesterday that was fighting with the kids that seemed wanting to take him with them but he rejected. The color of his hair and his very presence was the most outstanding. She wonders why he would be here. He could’ve been with them after all. “Will I become like them?” She murmured, her voice slowly fading. All she need is to savor the happiness of looking at the sky.

“Seems like you’re alive.” The lad with a silver hair said, she couldn’t hear him. “Eat up.” He gestured a hand with a dried persimmon fruit in front of her. He smiled at her. It’s as if her soul was being healed slowly. Her eyes that had no light, no reason to have a light, now has one. Her soul that once had sank into depravity and despair of not being able to live in this kind of world. His smile drooped a bit; he held her hand, helping her sit. She looks at him with a blank expression, watching him carefully on his every action. He puts the fruit at her mouth and helped her chew it. He keeps feeding her ‘till she could gain enough strength to stand up. She stumbles at him slightly and he quickly catches her.

“You should be careful or the baddies will get you. If you’re fainting from hunger, you must have spiritual powers.” He smiled at her once again. She flinched a little. ‘How did he know? How can he be so educated? Does he have one too?’ She nods at him.

“Don’t worry; I’m not one of those baddies. What is your name? My name is Ichimaru Gin , you can call me Gin~” His voice had a faint playfulness . Although, those words gave her enough courage to live once again.

“I-I’m Matsumoto Rangiku, I-I’m okay with Rangiku…” Her slightly high-pitched voice stuttered. He chuckled at her.

“Still doubting me? Like I said, don’t worry, ain’ like those lads from yesterday.” He stated carefully emphasizing each word. Yesterday? She had a surprise look on her face. “Y-You were…”

“Bingo, Rangiku~ I had been following you since yesterday!” His voice rose up for a bit in a seemingly declaring tone that surprised her. “I just live in a small shack, by myself. So, will you come with me?” He held out his hand to her. With that being said, she had a smile on her face.  She took his hand. It wasn’t expected but his face was heating up, if he had a mirror with himself right now, he would be blushing.


Finally, she wouldn’t be alone anymore. Definitely not. She doesn’t want a horrifying future ahead as much as everyone does. That smile is weird yet comforting, she thought. It gave her the reassuring feeling, that she will be alright with him, in his company. Whatever it takes to be with him, she will do it. He was the only kind soul, the one who had helped her from the streets of Rukongai. The worst district, in her opinion.

They didn’t notice that they were attracting attention. The lad decided to take her to run with him on his secret hideout. She didn’t mind where he is taking her, as long as he is with her and vice versa.  As they take their escape, his face was definitely heating up. His hands was very sweaty, the corners of his face was sweating too. This is what happens when you try to take a lady with you and lets her hold your hand.

Yet, he feels comfortable. Safe in her company. He needs her. He needs someone to care for him, to be with him forever. He wasn’t seeing her as just something to be used.  He sees her as his very savior. For taking his hand, for giving him that reassuring smile. Surely he wouldn’t know that what they did for each other saved themselves. All he could care for now is protecting this girl even if it costs his life. His Rangiku.

He stopped running in the middle of a field. They both sat on the ground. The wind is getting rather cold. Winter is coming, he thought. He watches the wind sway her golden orange hair. She was definitely beautiful. He isn’t speaking in a rather childish way or just for a compliment, she is indeed beautiful. She looks back at him and their eyes met. She had noticed one thing, earlier, Gin had his eyes closed but now it was opened.

Revealing his ocean blue eyes that complemented her pale one. He slightly moved to her side.  She keeps staring at the chrysanthemums not too far from their distance. She points at it and, “Those  ... flowers, they remind me of your fragrance, also the fruit earlier!” stated with a cheerful tone in her voice. The statement made him chuckle, he did smell like persimmons and chrysanthemums, but more of persimmon.

“Maybe yours is the chrysanthemum. I slightly smell like it but I think yours is way more dominant. And that fruit is called persimmon. Do you like it?” He said, smiling beamingly at her.  “Very! Hmm, I think what you’re saying is kind of true... Isn’t it getting dark?”

He sighed; he still wanted to talk to her. Unconsciously, he held her hand and it startled her which led her to make a slight yelp. “G-G-Gin?” Her voice was stuttering it really surprised her. He is holding her hands, tightly. Not like the one before.  “P-Perhaps, y-you still want to talk with me longer?” The small light blush on her face lit up even more.

“Yes, I do… But I guess we need to go to the shack and continue it.” There was a faint trace of sadness in his voice. They had only met this day yet it seems they had known each other before. She smiles at him and snuggled at him while they were walking at the shack. What actually led him to take this girl with her? Was it to make him happy? Was it to make both of them happy? How did he know she was actually alone? Why did he follow her?

Those questions remained unanswered although it seemed that it doesn’t need an answer. All that remains for now is what he could treasure. The one whom he holds hand with and helped her stand up in her own foot. Rangiku.

They were almost there; she could see the shack from over their place. His steps became slowly and it made her stop and stare at him.  He was smiling like a freak.  This made Rangiku chuckle and startle him. With the sight of Rangiku by his side, he subconsciously pulled her into a hug.

“G-G-Gin?!” Her voice suddenly got all high-pitched, like a high school girl.  He didn’t let go. She decides to hug him back instead. After a few minutes, he let go and they continued their way to the shack but was holding each others’ hand tightly.

End of the Chapter 1
Well you see it’s kind of short -- Please bear with my grammars... I actually don’t have a beta-reader…  The recent chapters makes me sad , Kubo-sensei is killing way too much people , not to mention my favorite squad captain and vice-captain just became zombies and here I am , hoping that they didn’t die and just got severe injuries .

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