Though Jimin's explanation was clear, the reason why only some people can acquire this disease was still a blur to Jungkook. But, like what Jimin had said, it must be because of some genetic mutation or something related to that, and this question is what he would like to ask next time.

Jungkook nodded in understanding, Taehyung doing the same. Unlike the former, however, the latter seemed to be a little more tense than usual. 

"Anyway, speaking of flowers," Jimin props his forearms onto the table, "when I die, I want my funeral flowers to be Azaleas."

Hoseok raised a brow. "Azaleas?" He reacted, "why Azaleas?"

Jimin pressed his lips, hummed in thought. "I just like Azaleas. They're really pretty flowers and yeah, I guess you could say that it's one of my favorites. Anyway, I want people to throw Azalea flowers on top of my coffin as I descend. As the meaning says, it reminds one of their home which is why I want Azaleas. So that I can feel at home."

"That's interesting," Hoseok remarks, nodding. "For me though, I don't really care about what flowers you throw on top of my coffin. All I care about is the people who would attend my funeral."

"That is depending on who dies first." Jungkook intervened. "Speaking of which, I bet Jimin hyung would die last."

"Really?" Jimin suppressed a laugh, nearly came out as a snort. "what makes you say that?"

"You seem like someone who would live a long life." Jungkook frankly remarks. "But, at the same time, I think most of us would live long and fruitful lives anyway."

"Not me, I won't," Taehyung mumbled. What he had said was really just meant for himself, but unfortunately for him, all three of his friends have heard him. They turned their attention to him, who had noticed their confused gazes about three seconds later.

He swore under his breath.

"What did you say Tae?" Jungkook asked, unable to catch what he had said.

"Ah!" Taehyung straightened his back, putting on an obviously fake smile. "I just said that I agree with your statement." He releases a low and awkward laugh, swallowing his saliva afterward. "I also think that all of us will live long lives and hopefully not die at such an early age because of some disease that could possibly kill us." He tried his best to sound convincing and not look as disconcerted as possible. But even with his attempts, his friends could still tell that something was troubling him. That something was bothering their blonde-haired friend.

"Taehyung, are you okay?" Hoseok asks with a look of concern.

Once again, he swallows his saliva. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine! I just—" He suddenly silences himself as his body seemed to have stiffened and his hand immediately reached for his stomach, clutching. He refrained his eyes from going wide and, to his friends' eyes, it looked like that he could vomit at any moment. "I-I have to go to the washroom."

Before anyone could ask what was going on, Taehyung springs on his feet and tells his friends, "bye guys!" In no less than a second did he sprint to the nearest washroom, leaving his friends without another word.

After Taehyung had left, the group fell into silence. The atmosphere that surrounded them became uneasy, especially with the solemn expressions that they had on their faces because of Taehyung's demeanor.

"Something's not right," Jimin had observed. "There's something definitely wrong with Taehyung and he's just not telling us."

"Taehyung rarely gets sick," Jungkook noted. "And he rarely runs off to the washroom like that. But even still, I guess he just doesn't want us to worry."

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