Chapter 11

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    Shui Wa'er feels Leng Wu'she a little strange these days. 

    Hmm, how should I say... 

    He seemed to cling her more tightly, as if he was afraid that she would run away, and followed her all the time. 

    "Hey! Wouldn't it bother you to keep following me like this?" Shui Wa'er put her hands on her hips and looked angrily at the man behind her. 

    Please, she wants to go to the loo! Why did he want to follow her? 

    "No." Leng Wu'she was all white, quietly following Shui Wa'er. "You ... mind?" 

    She, didn't want him to follow? 

    Shui Wa'er stared at him. The good-looking face was obviously cold, but for some reason, she felt that he was like a child who was afraid of being abandoned, which made her helpless. 

    She exhaled and stared at him helplessly. "I'm going to the cottage; do you want to follow me?" 

    "I'll stay with you." Whenever she leaves his sight, he feels uneasy, impetuous and restless.  

    Shui Wa'er rolled her eyes and looked at him with anger and amusement. "I don't need you to accompany me." After speaking, she turned to leave, and heard footsteps coming from behind her. 

    "Leng Wu'she." She turned and stared at him. "You are not allowed to follow." 

    Leng Wu'she doesn't speak. His hazel brown eyes looked at her lightly. 

    "Again, you are not allowed to follow me. If you do, I will ignore you all my life!" She warned and turned to leave. 

    No footsteps heard this time, great! 

    Shui Wa'er smiled with satisfaction, but after taking a few steps, she couldn't help looking back. 

    She saw him quietly standing still. Those brown eyes have been looking at her, the eyes were dim and disturbing, that look .... it was impossible to leave him. 

    She bit her lip and surrendered! 

    She turned back to him and looked up at him. "You are so despicable!" 

    He looked at her with that kind of eyes. "Huh?" He didn't understand. 

    "It's okay!" Her mouth narrowed, she took his hand, and the little handheld him tightly. "What's the matter with you? These few days were weird." 

    Leng Wu'she looked down at the warm little hand in his hand, and held it with his big hand, holding her hand tightly, reluctant to let go. 

    "I ..." He started, but before he could say anything, he heard some fighting in the front yard. 

    "Wa'er!" A clear voice came from the front. "Wa'er, where are you?" The roar came closer, a slender figure flying in the air. 

    That figure could not be ..... 

    Shui Wa'er opened her eyes wide and smiled excitedly. "Brother, I'm here ── " She let go of Leng Wu'she's hand and flew towards the figure quickly. 

    "Wa_ ..." Before Leng Wu'she about to speak, the warmth in his hand had immediately disappeared. He looked at the pink figure flying away. His heart suddenly became empty. 

    "Brother!" Shui Wa'er smiled, happily jump into her brother's arms, and invitingly asked: "Brother, how come you are here?" 

    "What other reason could it be, of course is you!" Feng Tianhen hugged Shui Wa'er. As soon as the two of them done hugging, several men in black had already surrounded them. 

The Beast Attached to Lily Fragrance (Translation) ✔Where stories live. Discover now