Chapter 1

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"Rodrick!Get down here!"His mother yelled
"Ok!"He replied
The young boy rushed down the stairs,fearing he was in big trouble.
"Have you not started packing yet,Rodrick your leaving in 4 days!If you need help please just call me!"She said.
"Yeah,I'll start right now"He awkwardly responded
As much as Rodrick loved his parents,he didn't want to college.
You'd ask why?Well Rodrick thought college wasn't for him.
His band Loded Diper was barely successful,he still felt that one day it would be famous.
Hours Of Talking,Arguing,And what not,Rodrick was convinced to go to college.
But he was only going to go not study or do tests.It was supposedly smart to him.
His plan was to fail and then go back home.

Rodrick would surely miss his parents,but on top of that,he would miss his little brother.
Greg and Rodrick were never so close.It took them time to develop this relationship.
Of course they still annoyed each other,but not as much.It meant a lot to them.

Every single one of his friends were going to college,so was he.But they wanted to go.
He thought a profuse amount of times,and yet still,the only safe thing to do was go to college.


Rodrick lay on his bed with a bamboozled expression.He stared at his wall,letting his thoughts take control of him.He heard a soft but loud knock on his door.The suddenness made him jump.
"Come In!"He shouted
Slowly but progressively,as the door opened,it unveiled a short brown-haired boy.
"Hey,So,Can we talk?"Greg Softly Asked
It took Rodrick a few seconds to process what he said
"Uh,Yeah?"Rodrick responded,while not being entirely sure.
Greg slowly walked towards Rodrick's bed,and sat on it.
Rodrick sat up,and fixed his posture,to look serious and intimidating.
"I know,what your gonna do"Greg firmly sighed
"What,What am I gonna do?"Rodrick confusingly questioned.
"College."Greg blankly replied
"Study,something you never did,or liked"Rodrick Pointed Out
"I'm being serious,You won't study,fail and come back like nothing ever happened"Greg said whilst strongly making eye-contact with his brother.
Rodrick tried to respond and make eye-contact,but the truth was too strong.
Rodrick could lie to his mom,dad,friends,but never to Greg.
"Listen don't tell m-"Rodrick said before he was interrupted by his brother
"Your gonna tell me to not tell mom and dad?"Greg Scolded
"Y-Yes.."Rodrick whispered
"Rodrick,I'm trying not to be harsh,but,college is for the better,you'll be a better person"Greg said with sympathetic eyes.
"You don't know Greg,If you were in my place,you would've done the exact same thing"Rodrick strongly defended his point
"Fine,Don't listen to me,just listen to your ego and narcissism"Greg said
The boy slowly got up from the bed,walk towards the door,gave his brother one last look,and slammed the door loudly.
Rodrick slightly shook,from the loud sound.He fiddled with his hair and lay,with himself and his thoughts.
Rodrick tossed and turned,in hopes of being able to sleep,but he just couldn't.He felt like an insomniac.He turned his face to his clock.
"What a great time to pack!"He said to himself.
He wasn't sleepy or tired,but he didn't have the strength to pack.
Annoyed,Rodrick unlocked his phone and went on to YouTube.
He searched up "how to fall asleep"
The video was so boring,that he nearly fell asleep while watching it.
After hours and hours of videos,he still couldn't sleep.
A sudden thought hit his head,meditation!
He could meditate,that would hopefully help him fall asleep.
Awkwardly,he sat up,and crossed his legs.
That was all he thought of.
Leisurely,his eyes shut,he felt his body fall back,and then he drift off to sleep.


Gradually,he opened his eyes,to see a blurry tall figure in front of him.
"Rodrick,You still haven't packed yet,let me help you!"
Rodrick knew by the voice that it was his mom
"Yeah,I'm sorry I just kinda blacked out last night,I was really tired"
A small curve formed on his face,and he sat up.
"Are you just gonna sit their and stare at me doing your work for you?"
"HaHa,No,Let me help you with that"
The boy slowly stood up,and confusedly scratched his head.
"You don't know what to pack,don't you?"
"I don't!"
His mom explained what to pack and what not,he wasn't interested but he acted like he was
"When I come back this should be done"
800 Words
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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