"I don't know!" Kate burst out, snarling at the man. "I just assumed you would know since you were in there."

Dark rolled his eyes at her before he cracked his neck, "Well, I don't. Now, let's find Anti."

"Why Anti?" Kate asked with a weirded out look on her face. "Shouldn't we find the others? They have no idea how this place works."

"Pretty sure Anti is in more trouble than they will ever be in," Dark clarified, stalking in front of the girl, already on his way down the steps.

"Why?" Kate asked, her arms crossed as she walked down the steps, Dark by her side.

"Anti was forbidden to ever enter this place again," Dark illustrated, wondering how Kate didn't know this already. "He did something to anger and upset the new rulers of this city."

"Virus and Die?" Kate inquired, only slightly remembering the two. "What'd he do to piss them off?"

"If he wants to," Dark started as soon as he got to the bottom floor. "Anti will tell you."

Kate nodded, opening the door and holding it there for Dark, who replied with 'thank you'.

"Where would he be?" The girl, once again, asked, Dark rolling his eyes at the number of questions being asked.

"I do not know," Dark said quietly, aura slightly snapping out. "This place may look the same, but the buildings are now used for different elements than when I was last here."

Kate hummed, "I still think we should find the others first, they could help us."

"And put them in danger?" Dark asked, an angry look on his face. "Die and Virus are the most powerful demons in this city. Well, apart from me and Anti. The two could kill the others in a flash."

"I suppose so," Kate asserted with a shrug. "But maybe Jackie or Roman, maybe someone else, can help? Someone who is experienced in fighting demons?"

"I suppose Jackie is, Anti and he used to get into a lot of fights," Dark confessed before sighing. "Fine, we'll find the others, but we have to be quick. Anti may not have much time."

- - -

"What're you gonna do to me?" Anti asked, bored as he stared at the same wall he had been for hours.

"Well," Die said, pacing in front of the green-haired demon. "We were hoping to kill you in public. Like a public hanging, or beheading. Who knows?"

"Is there anything to do?" Anti asked, sighing of boredom. "You aren't entertaining, nor nice to look at."

Die scoffed with a roll of his eyes, "That's nice to say. Especially since you're chained up and I could kill you in an instant. I can also hurt you really bad before your death."

"Yea, yea, yea," Anti muttered, waving a hand about, the chains clanking together. "Heard it all before."

Die rolled his eyes at the younger male, "Are you always so ignorant?"

"Maybe," Anti said as he shrugged, his eyes finally moving up to meet Die's "I don't know, ask the others."

"Well," Die started once more, a small scowled overtaking his features. "I would if I knew where they were. Otherwise, they would be here with you."

"Where'd Virus go?" Anti asked straight after Die had spoken. "Off to do your dirty work? You know, I don't actually think you love him. I think you're using him."

"Shut up," Die snapped. "What do you know about love anyway?"

"You should know," Anti said, looking Die straight in the eyes as he started to smirk. "You broke my heart, didn't you?"

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