Chapter 7: Really?!

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Following morning

"Cmon Svyleon lets try this instead" said Serena while doing some dance moves. The pokemon nods and follows her master. Serena starts to fall as she missteps.

"Hey, where are you going?" asks Ash in a playful way while he is grabbing her preventing her from falling.

"Oh.. thank you ash" she says. She gets back on her feet and tries the dance once again. Again she is about to fall but gets grabbed by Ash again.

"I think i should not do this step" she says while looking into Ash's eyes.

"You what? NO you will do this step Serena , its so good and unique besides it looks too good on you!! Never give up until it's over Sere" Ash exclaims .

"okay.... " a confidence glows back into her eyes and she starts to do it again and executes it flawlessly.

"YOU DID IT!" screamed Ash.

"Pika!!!!!!!!"; "That was Amazing Master!" Joyed Lucario and Pikachu. 

Serena blushed looking at Ash , Lucario and Pikachu while petting Svyleon then she realises something. "Wait lucario you just called me your master, but i am not your master" she replied.

"Yes Master, You are really close to my master and when your confidence sparked back you felt like Him" he said. That earned a Blush from couple.

"Well lets Wrap it up Svyleon" said Serena. 

"You did great today Sere" said Ash. 

"Oh sush, you helped me!" she said.

"Oh that wasn't nothing in compared to what have you done for me ever since we were in Kalos" he said.

"Umm what did i do?" she asked.

"Thats a talk for later , now lets head back the group might be worried we left too early" said Ash as he grabbed her hand guiding her back to the group.

"Oh hey guys!" Said Dawn looking at the couple coming back from the woods.

"Good morning Dawn" said Serena.

"Morning Serena" said Dawn.

"So where were you guys?" Asked Dawn

"Ash was helping me with the some dance moves" she said while smiling from ear to ear.

"I see, the breakfast is ready thanks to brock, lets eat it up and start our journey back to pastoria City" said Dawn. The couple nodded and ate their breakfast.

A hour later

The gang is on their way to pastoria city while Serena and Ash are still holding hands walking behind the group. This time Ash was already walking on the side where people were going the opposite way.

They reached a small village nearby and saw a pokemon center, they decided to rest their for a while as they have been travelling from Early morning. They were enjoying their food in the cafeteria and as usual brock tried to ask out the Nurse Joy present their only to get stabbed by toxicroak in the stomach with poison jab and then dragged away.

Ash went outside with serena to a nearby park where some blasts were coming from probably from some battling trainers.

"Now Snorlax , Hyper beam" said the young trainer Pointing his fingers at sceptile in his opponent. The snorlax fires a beam and it faints out the sceptile."that was a great match Max!" Said a boy. "Yea sure it was replied Max". "I'll get going, see ya later" the boy said before going out of the park.

Max turns Around to see Ash standing there with a girl.

"Ash?!?" Said max while running towards him and hugging him.

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