"Why?" Jungkook sounded pissed off. 

"Because when the time comes, you won't hesitate to kill me" Jimin looked into his eyes as he said that and got up, quickly walking away immediately after. 

Gritting his teeth, Jungkook too got up and put a few bills on the table and followed after him and both walked towards their jeep which set off towards the Jeon castle. 

Mid-way, the jeep came to a screeching halt, and Jimin looked towards Jungkook, who turned around in his seat, left hand on Jimin's seat, seemingly looking behind him in confusion. Jimin then noticed the offending ring on Jungkook's ring finger, upsetting him immediately. 

"Stay in," he ordered and got down, simultaneously taking out his revolver from its case. He walked to the back of the jeep and sighed when he saw the punctured tyre. He quickly scanned his surroundings, to make sure this wasn't a trap. When it was confirmed that all is clear, he put away his revolver and started to remove the necessary equipment to change the tyre. 

Meanwhile Jimin looked back from the rearview and side mirrors, curiosity egging him on. 

"What happened?" He asked. 

"Shut up" Jungkook answered. 

"Fuck you" Jimin muttered and removed his seatbelt, ready to find out himself. 


Jungkook looked up at the sound to find Jimin standing in the space at the back of the jeep. 

"I told you to stay in" he glared. 

"And I am inside the jeep" Jimin gave a deadpan expression. 

"Go sit in your seat and stay there" Jungkook said and looked down, continuing work on removing the tyre.

"I can help" Jimin offered and Jungkook looked up at him in irritation. 

"I said go and sit the fuck down" he enunciated each word firmly. 

"And I said I can help you fix it faster, don't be stubborn, it's going to be dark soon" Jimin softened his expression, hoping the latter relents. 

"Get down" Jungkook simply rolled his eyes. 

Jimin felt a little happy and leaped off the back and helped Jungkook replace the punctured tyre. Helped as in handed the necessary tools as Jungkook did all the dirty and heavy work despite his willingness to help. He was simply told to do as ordered. 

Back home, Taemin paced around the porch and Yoongi stood behind, leaning against a pillar. 

"I told you they would take time to come home today" he rolled his eyes at the young prince's back. He couldn't understand the panic this 'intruder' displayed. 

"Why? Jungkook had said he won't take long" Taemin turned around, frowning. 

'Back off bitch, he isn't your property' Yoongi thought. 

A vehicle approached and Yoongi sighed, glad that he no longer had to listen to Jaeyun's panicked rants. 

"What took you so long?" Taemin questioned even before either of them got down from the jeep. 

Jungkook got down, eyebrows drawn together. 

"What did you just say?" His eyes pinned Taemin down. 

"I was worried, it took you so long to come home" his eyes avoided Jungkook's and he glanced aside as Jimin left to go inside, without a word. 

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