Chapter 14

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Straight to the Point

Levi POV
Why did I leave? Why was I so frustrated with what he said? Whatever, its not like it fucking matters.

The bell rang a few minutes ago, signaling lunch break, and I was hungry as hell. Usually I would just skip lunch, but I skipped food yesterday and the day before, in fact, I haven't properly eaten anything since last Monday.

I quickly walked through the busy hallways, everyone cramming into the cafeteria. I waited for the doorway to be clear of students before walking in. I haven't eaten in the cafeteria since the beginning of the school year, so I had kinda forgotten what was being served on Mondays.

I went up to the line waiting for food. When I got up to the food, it turned out to be grilled cheese. I scrummaged in my pocket and pulled out a crumpled five dollar bill. I handed to the cafeteria man and he gave me my change back.

"Are you new here?" He asked me. What? Wait, I haven't been in the cafeteria for this long that the cafeteria man forgot that I even existed.

"No, I just don't buy lunch very often," I muttered and turned around, saying a quick thank you before leaving. I went and sat at an empty table in the back corner, not feeling like going out in the cold.

Before I could even take a bite of the sandwich, I heard people sit down. I looked up and saw Oreo, Gun Guy, and Alder Tree.

"What brings the three musketeers here to annoy me?" I asked, already getting pissed off that they were even close to me. They knew to stay away from, so why the fuck are they here?

"Well you see, you've been quite rude to us, so we think that it's time too teach you a lesson," Oreo said. I was still confused, they knew what happened last time they tried to do this.

"Yeah like you tried to do last time?" I could see the anger start to boil in his eyes.

"You just got lucky, and we've got some others that wouldn't mind joining us," I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my grilled cheese.

"Well sorry, but I've got detention after school and I'm busy at lunch, so I've got no time to fit your bullshit into my schedule" I stood up and flipped them off "bye"

I walked out of the cafeteria, still eating my grilled cheese. Fuck I forgot how good food was. I have no where to go right now since lunch is almost over, so I guess I'll just go to the library and sit in there.

When I walked into the library, I noticed a small group of people I have never seen before. They were sitting in 'the tea area'. Which was an area that had two couches, two chairs, and side tables in the corner of library. It got its nickname because there's a kettle and tea on one of the side tables. I usually sat there since I had nothing to do in English since I was ahead (Plus free tea).

I sat down at a desk on the other side of library. I put my head in my arms, tired for some reason.

Geez, I don't know, maybe it was the fact that I'm an insomniac and somniphobic.

No shit Sherlock.

Great, now I'm fucking talking to myself.

I can feel myself slowly slip into blackness. I let myself, Mr. Shadis would wake me up in half an hour, not long enough for me to have any nightmares.
"Hey Levi, wake up" a gruff voice said. It was Mr. Shadis. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He had crossed arms and a raised eyebrow.

"Yes sir?" I asked politely(-ish), clearly wanting to know why he woke me up before class started. He knew that I sleep during lunches usually. He grabbed a chair from a table and sat down, crossing his legs. By doing this, he clearly wants to have a conversation with me about something mildly important.

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