Chat Blanc.

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Quick reminder. I made some minor changes in the past chapter "Broken" accidentally revealing something key in this part so I just want to address it properly. Same goes for fixing minor typos and grammar errors so sorry about that. Alright after addressing this, enjoy today's chapter.

It's been weeks since the akuma incident and things haven't been the same since then. Winter break has begun and some students spent their time with friends, family, or even went off on a vacation to a different country but Marinette decides to spend her break isolating herself in her room. Ever since the incident with the akumas and Chat, Mari hid in her room and refused to make contact with her family and friends.

The only time Mari leaves her room is during the night, when she has nothing better to do, Mari would go out and in search for Chat Noir who has been clouding her mind ever since. What makes matters worse is that Tikki has apparently fallen ill since the incident.

After the intense battle, Celerita or by his actual name Gio still lives but unfortunately lost an arm and a leg in the process. Gio also suffers from intense P.T.S.D. and possibly other mental issues so he was sent immediately to the hospital for long term recovery.

The media came out and reported that the apparent "Victim" named Gio came out and said his opinion about the incident. He claims that he came into contact with Ladybug and Chat Noir and his partner got killed by Chat Noir. The media went insane with the shocking news of a hero killing a villain. WHenever they further question his action, Celerita would only repeat one word.


As much as Mari wanted to chase after Chat that day, unfortunately Tikki has recently fallen ill and because of her weak state, she could not harness her full power. Having Marinette transforming to Ladybug being impossible.

Tikki got the jist of what happened to Chat Noir and Plagg and Mari explains that Chat's miraculous broke in battle. Somehow during the fight, Chat Noir sustained massive damage to his miraculous, causing it to act wild and get corrupted by the negative emotions coming from the 2 akumatized villains (and possibly his own), causing him to change.

(I am the kwami of creation, the ying and Plagg is the kwami of destruction, my yang so without him. Without my other half, I will only grow weaker and my health will only slowly get worse).

Marinette understood that Hawkmoth had nothing to do with Chat's transformation so that was a relief but his partner was still dangerous nonetheless. That only made her more determined to find him, to save him from himself, no matter the cost.

(The Chat I know is gone and the one now occupying his body is a someone with a corrupted soul). And that terrifies her.

From that day forward, Mari sets out every night and would spend hours on end in search for him, to get him back by any means necessary. Well, easier said than done as no signs ever came up to signify he was around for the past few weeks.

No news reports, no sightings, nothing. It's almost as if he disappeared from Paris and that was the last thing she wanted to happen. Finding him without the power of Ladybug was deemed to be a difficult task but she refused to let this major problem set her back.

On the 5th night, Mari returns to her room feeling defeated as she has yet to find Chat Noir. Exhausted on yet another unproductive day, she lays back in her chair and rests her head on her desk. Minutes after resting her body, Mari scanned across her room and realized her place was a total mess. Clothes covered the place every corner, plastic wraps laying on the floor, dark room with the curtains closed, papers scattered everywhere. Her room is a total mess and she could not have cared less.

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