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Keyora POV

Lea is beautiful she reminded me of my happy place seeing her face or hearing her voice made me smile she was perfect besides her flaws when we argued she would call me out my name and said hurtful things but Ik it's only because I hurt her first I damaged her first when all she wanted to do was heal me and help me with my problems she was there for me through everything truth is my daddy used to beat tf outta me and I would cry and come calling her and she always answered I remember the day I told her and she told me that she was gonna beat his ass she reminded me of a lucky charm I just feel as tho I'm so lucky to have her she's smart gorgeous talented but apart of me isn't feeling her anymore and I don't want to tell her caz I know she gon trip and I still talk to Brooklyn but I don't know how to tell her I just can't and I don't have a parent here to teach me what it means to love somebody or what it feels like for someone to actually love me because they don't even love me"

Incoming call from "Babes💜"

"Hey mommie why you always calling me you miss me or sum"

"Who dat is Brooklyn " shay asked

"Yea yo mind ya business"

"Ofc I miss you baby" she said

"I miss you more lil head"

She started laughing

"Daddy when you gon eat my pus-

I hung up on her then texted her that I had her on speaker and that Shay and them heard her

These niggas busted out laughing

"What's so funny"

"You hung up on her in the middle of her sentence why you ain't let her finish DAdDy" Shay said laughing again

"I don't know what your parents was thinking when they named ya ass Keyora they should've named you crayola wit ya gay ass" DeeDee said making me smack her in the back of her head

"On my last pack of noodles bro you gon stop putting ya hands on me before I turn into a dragon" DeeDee said blowing out her breathe

"Oouuu shit boy you sure you not one already caz ya breath hot as a motherfucker"

Me, Naidah, n Shay busted out laughing

DeeDee blew her breath into her hand trying to see if it was really hot

"My shit not hot you lying ass nigga....see" she said blowing it everywhere

"Goddamnnn" Shay said falling back on the couch tumbling off of it and laying in a coffin position

"Man fuck y'all imma catch y'all later" DeeDee said leaving the house

"So yo lets talk about that fine ass shawty from school" Naidah said


"Lea how she meet ya ugly ass first would've been better off with me caz your a damn cheater" Naidah said

I clenched my fist up the thought of her with someone else made me sick

"You good bruh" Shay asked

"Yea I'm good I'm just gonna go shower and go to sleep I'll see y'all in the morning" I said walking up the stairs

Damn yo I fucked up and I fucked up bad if I could just turn back time I would apologize for everything I did even the ones that weren't on me if I could go back I would choose her instead of Brooklyn but I like them both so then again idk I knew Brooklyn for a couple months ago and Ik that's not nothing compared to me and Leas years but I just Idk I'm lost and confused about it all

I felt the need to cry but I don't know why why is she affecting me this way I'm not in love with her anymore

I put on a shower cap then I got in the shower and I washed up then sat down as the water poured over me I went into a deep thought that I didn't even notice the water had turned freezing cold I got out and dried off then got into my bed not even bothering to put on some clothes

I licked my lips and noticed that there was this salty taste I went to touch my face and it was wet....was I crying, but why?

Next thing you know I was out

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