New School,First Day, Yayyy🖕🏽

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Dahlea POV

Hi I'm dahlea and this is my new life now

My mind is my diary and with that being said silence is my strongest suit because it's like every word that I speak it's pain that follows right after it

Today is my first day at a different high school I'm not sure why I transferred but hopefully things get better as of me being a senior now and this being my last year I hope things are different

6:45 am


My phone sounded indicating that someone was calling me

"Ughhhhh who tf is this and what do they want"

I picked up my phone seeing that I was getting an incoming FaceTime call from my moms So I answered

Phone convo:

Rider🤞🏽❤️: Goodmorning ladybug are you up

Me: yes ma do I have to go

Rider🤞🏽❤️: ofc you do dahlea please don't make this hard for me I understand how you feel about school but I can't have you sitting in the house all the time by yourself especially when there's nobody there to keep you active

Me: then how about I go see your sister that your always arguing with on the phone or be homeschooled

Rider🤞🏽❤️: hell no she's no good for this family go out somewhere and find you a gf or sum oh and find me a Rich white husband to while your at it this single shit is depressing

I laughed

Me: ma you know you too damn old to be depressed caz your single you wouldn't even know what to do with a nigga

Rider🤞🏽❤️: girllll naw y'all new generations don't know nun about how us old generations used to get down you ever heard of the flippa switcha

Me: lls no what is it

Rider🤞🏽❤️: well it's when a guy holds your leg up and sticks his peni-

Me: bye ma I love you I'll text you after school

She laughed

Rider🤞🏽❤️: alright ladybug I love you too remember nobody else's opinions should matter your the most beautifulest girl in the world and your smarter then Albert Einstein you have so much brain and beauty use your words stand up for yourself let them know that you have a voice and that it's powerful

Me: ok ma thank you

Rider🤞🏽❤️: no need to thank me I'm your mother child this is what I'm here for but if they continue to mess with you then I'll kill them if you want me to

Me: ma no what the hell

Rider🤞🏽❤️: alright fine I'm just saying but I have to go I just found my next target

Me: ok ma be careful

Rider🤞🏽❤️: always

And with that we ended the call and I got up to do my morning hygiene make up my bed and and make me a green smoothie and watch a few episodes of spongebob before it was time for me to go

7:45 am

I grabbed the keys to my rolls Royce septail this car was about 20,000 dollars my ma just brought it for me during the summer I don't use it because I don't go anywhere to be driving it but today I have no choice I grabbed my AirPods and put them in my fannypack along with my phone locked up the house then walked to go get in my my car the school was a good 20 mins away and the late he'll ring at 8:20 so I'm coo we get out at 3:45 but I'm not staying the whole day because it's the first day so wtf are we learning

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