Skating Ring

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Dahlea POV

So I've been going to this camp down here where mom lives at for awhile now when I would come visit her for the small summers that's where she would send me it was fun we took many trips and we had lots of fun frl frl so one night we took a trip to the skating ring my ass cannot skate but whatever we walked there it wasn't a long long walk but it was long enough so once we got there you should know how a skating ring works you wait you get ya little wristbands than you get ya shoe size skates and you skate alrighty so let me take you back down memory lane in 3 2 1


The camp took us on a trip to the skating and my ass cannot skate here's the good part tho I got my bitch keke with me she's like a young adult I think she's 17 maybe 18 but she has a baby and she's really nice I know I shouldn't be talking to her but who cares she's fun we've known eachother for about a year now she's been putting some damn sense into my head at the moment I'm struggling to skate so lemme tell y'all how I manage to get around on skates I use the the brakes them little stopper things to skate don't ask me why but I just do I be looking like I'm playing hockey while everyone else looking like the trynna win a gold medal at a ice skating contest and also the way I skate is way harder than the way normal people skate because I have to use a lil but more leg muscle to push off and all that other shit so right now a managed to grab me something to drink before almost killing myself I then went to find keke and she was in the bathroom mirror

"Hey kid" she said smiling

I hated when she called me that bullshit we almost fucked one day along with like 4 other girls it was about to be a big ass orgy that would've happened if we let it happen you feel me

"I told you about calling me that but hi"

"Your a baby what do you expect" she said

I wanted to say "but you almost let this "baby" hit" but I didn't


"Why you not out there skating with the rest of the kids" she asked

"I'm tired"

"Are you tired or you just can't skate" she said looking into my eyes I always thought she had a thing for me


She laughed her laugh was always contagious we shared a small moments until it was interrupted by this bitch I didn't like because she was insecure and thought every fucking body wanted her nigga I mean I did but sn tho I just thought he was cute just like everyone else did but I never tried to take him because if I did she wouldn't be with him rn duh

*2 hrs later*

The staff at the camp told us that they were leaving and taking the other children back so that they could get home and I stayed with keke I was skating around a lil longer then I sat down again as I was about to take off my skates but then this boy walked up to me and spoke to me he wasn't alone there's a stud with him the had similar features as him and then a boy but he was asking me what my name was d things like that then he left to o skate around twice after the second on he came up to me and keke walked over

"Hey come skate with me" he said

"I'm good I'm actually pretty tired"

Keke looked at me and gave me that look that's like get your ass up and skate

"I can't skate"

"It's ok I got you" he said holding out his hand I took it his hands were very soft I'm so weird

After one round I didn't wanna skate anymore so I let go of his hand and got off the skating ring and went to take my shoes off and got my stuff from the lockers then returned the skates when I was about to leave he asked for my number

"My name is Lonnie by the way" he said as I took his phone putting my number in

"Dahlea" I said walking off with keke

*flashback over*

So y'all that's a night that I'm not gonna talk about all imma say is keke ass got me in soooo much trouble and it caused me to lose my opportunity of playing on a professional football team full a boys the football thing is another story for another time and right now I don't have enough time to explain what happened with that but anyways there's that

And after the incident me and keke still hung out until I started becoming distant and then it was like one day I saw her and then when I closed my eyes then opened them she wasn't there anymore and I never saw her again

And after the incident me and keke still hung out until I started becoming distant and then it was like one day I saw her and then when I closed my eyes then opened them she wasn't there anymore and I never saw her again

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This is keke

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