It was true. Something quick and painless is what I wanted.

"Alright, how about jumping off the roof?" He asked

"Is that the easiest way to go?" I asked him

He looked at me, "You're so cute." He said as he pinched my cheeks.

"Stw-ap di." I said trying to say 'Stop it' but since Dean was squishing my face it made that sound.

"God you're adorable. I see why Jacob likes you." He said standing up, holding out a hand to me.

Slowly I took his hand and we walked out, him leading me to a hall I've never been to.

"Where are we?" I asked

"This is where the one who stays here for a few days goes." Dean explained

I looked around and saw no one looked familiar, everyone was different, not even the staff looked like anyone I knew.

He led me to a room, where a staircase was placed.

"How many levels is this place?" I asked as he started to walk up the stairs, me following.

"7. They just don't use them. They think that if we're higher up then we'll hurt ourselves more." Dean explained

"So why did you hide your Schizoaffective?" I asked him to walk next to him.

"When I first got here they told me not to scare anyone. So they went with my small case of anorexia." He told me, "Why did you kill Oscar?"

I sighed, "He was insulting me and Jacob. Once I hit him, it made a funny sound, so I kept doing it." I told him

"Oh I see..." Dean said to me

The intercom came on scaring me, "Charlie Hutson please report to the front desk, Charlie Hutson please report to the front desk." It repeated itself.

"Wonder what that is..." I questioned stopping at the 2nd floor staircase.

"They found the recording of you killing Oscar. They're going to put you in a rehab room, It's not a nice place." Dean said to me.

"W-what? How do you know?" I asked him

"Again, my dear, I've been here for almost a year." He said to me.

"So what do you want to do? Turn in? Or keep going?" He said, 'keep going' he pointed to the staircase.

Hesitantly, I kept walking up the stairs.

"Alright, Suicide it is!" Dean said

When we got to the 4th floor staircase, where I held his hand and he smiled.

Once we got to the top of the building, I looked over the end which was guarded by a railing.

"Ready?" Dean asked me.

I nodded. He came to my side and kissed me.

It wasn't a normal kiss either, somehow he slid his tongue into my mouth.

The weird part? It was good! So good I kissed back a bit.

When he pulled back I was confused, "What?"

Dean laughed a bit, "You know I pointed Jacob out to you? I told him you were the cutest boy I've ever seen."

My face went red, I knew it did. Hell I could feel it was burning.

Suicide Line (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now