"Wow, you really care about her? Why? She's done horrible things."

"I know she has. But you don't know her. You don't know her true self, underneath her mask." A smile grew on my lips as I talked about her, visioning that I was with her, right then. Coco noticed my expression lighten when I talked about Ms Venable, and her eyebrows raised.

"Okay. But if she hurts you in any way possible, don't say I didn't warn you." Coco crossed her arms and my eyes widened in surprise. I didn't expect it to be that easy.

"Thank you Coco, thank you so so much." I breathed out in relief, closing my eyes.

"Does she treat you well?" Coco asked curiously, leaning back in the sofa.

"She's made me feel the safest I've ever felt in my life. There's not a moment that she doesn't treat me like I'm a princess." I admitted, blushing a little. It was true, she handled me with such care and delicacy, that I felt like the only girl in the world.

"Damn." Was all Coco could say.

"Damn indeed." I agreed, chuckling a little.

"Well, it's dinner soon, I assume you're going to eat with Ms Venable in here?" Coco said nonchalantly.

"What? How do you know that?" Surprised, I straightened up.

"I may be a dumb blonde but I have brains when it comes to these things." Coco smiled and then started to walk away, and I followed on the way to dinner.

Once seated, I watched everyone at the table. Sometimes I wondered how they managed in the outpost. Most of them looked like they relied on technology to survive, and with none of that existing anymore, well, I didn't really know how they managed.

"You may eat." Ms Venable announced

I started to eat. Beside me I felt Ms Venable's fingers find mine, linking together. Little things like that made my life seem worth it. I'm not exaggerating, those soft and kind moment I shared with Mina, right under everyone's noses, those were the moments I felt truly cared for. And she stayed like that for the entirety of dinner.

"You may leave." I jumped when Ms Venable called out. I'd totally zoned out. As we all left, I whispered to her quietly, "I'll just change into my night dress."

She threw me a little smile before heading to her room. I couldn't help but watch her leave in awe.

I checked no one was around when I walked to my bedroom because it was a little early to be 'going to bed' in the other purple's point of view.

Once inside my room, I smiled to myself, pulling off my purple dress. Just as I was about to take off my underwear, my door opened behind me. I turned around quickly, feeling exposed in just my bra and panties.

"Dinah?!" I gasped, covering my body with my hands, falling onto my bed with the attempt to hide my body. Dinah stood in the doorway, smiling, then closed the door behind her.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled, desperately trying to grab my dress that was on the edge of the bed post.

"Shh, calm down love, there's no need to feel embarrassed about your body sweetheart."

I almost vomited in my mouth. Only ONE person could call me 'sweetheart', and it sure as hell wasn't Dinah.

"Get away from me!" But she'd made her way over and was practically leaning over my body on the bed, her hands touching my shoulders. I tried to wriggle out of her grasp but her grip was too strong.

"(Y/N), we all have needs and I know we both share a mutual feeling, so just relax." Dinah smirked and lent forward, pressing her lips against mine. I froze completly, my head exploding in anger. Just as I was about to kick her in the stomach, the door opened for the second time. I had to crane my neck to the side to see who it was.

Ms Venable.

Her eyes widened in shock, standing completly still, but Dinah hadn't noticed and was busy 'kissing me'. In her point of view, it looked like Dinah had undressed me and that we were kissing on the bed. I was absolutely still, like time had stopped, because the look in Ms Venable's eyes was one I'd never seen before.


A split second later she was gone, but I saw her eyes fill up with tears as she disappeared.

With the might I had in me, my body finally moved so I pulled my arm away from her grasp and smacked her clean across the face, causing her to yelp in pain.

"Don't you EVER fucking touch me again!" I screamed, pushing her backwards onto the floor, "Leave. Fucking leave!" Dinah looked up at me, with a small smirk, but walked out without another word.

It took a second for my thoughts to make sense, to think about what to do next, and finally the shock and realisation hit me like a tone of cold hard bricks.



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