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The plane landed in Hawaii seven hours later. Zoey woke up from her nap to the soft thud of the plane's wheels touching the runway. 

Zoey looked at Alice. She was still asleep. "Alice." Zoey shook her best friend's shoulder. "Wake up. We're in Hawaii."

"Huh?" Alice jumped up so fast she almost hit her head. Zoey giggled. 

"Hey." Lance popped up from behind Alice. He sounded groggy. He must have been sleeping. 

"Hi Lance." Alice said. She smiled, still sleepy from her four hour nap. She had watched a few Disney movies before sleeping on the plane. 

"Hey Lance." Zoey said, ruffling her big brother's hair. He swatted her hand away.

"I already have bed head..." Lance trailed off mid-sentence, and got up to use the bathroom. He squeezed past Danny and groggily trudged to the bathroom.

Zoey stood up from her seat on the plane and walked slowly to sit beside Danny. 

"Hey Danny." Zoey said tiredly, almost dozing off. She put her arms around him and brought him into a hug. 

Danny eyed Zoey smugly. "You look like you're drunk on sleep or something." He laughed. 

"Mmhmm." Zoey mumbled through Danny's shirt, still clutching him tightly. 

Danny laughed again and kissed Zoey. Zoey made a purring noise in the back of her throat. She smiled and pushed the kiss into an intense make out session.

Zoey, still making out with Danny, heard Lance's tired footsteps as he made his way back to his seat. The footfalls stopped when he saw that Zoey was sitting in his spot. 

"Hey, what's the deal ohhhhhh....." He said as he realized that Zoey was kissing Danny. 

Zoey didn't want to move. Instead of breaking the kiss with Danny, she waved her hand to shoo him away. 

"Fine." Lance said, and sat down beside Alice. "Hey babe," Lance said. 

Alice giggled, and after that there was no more talking, so Zoey assumed they were making out as well.

Jason and Rachel came up from behind Zoey and Danny and sat down beside the two kissing couples across the isle. 

"I guess three's a crowd, huh?" Jason said. He began to kiss Rachel, and for the next five minutes it was nothing but kissing. 

"Hello passengers." the flight attendant spoke into the microphone. "At this time we are at the Honolulu International Airport, and we will begin unloading baggage shortly. Feel free to make your way off the plane to claim your baggage."

Zoey pulled away from Danny and scowled at the flight attendant, a blonde young lady wearing a high ponytail and a blue and red flight attendant outfit. Same stereotypical picture when you think of a flight attendant.

The young lady smiled at Zoey, but her expression looked like she wanted to come up to all three of the couples and scream, "NO PDA ON A PUBLIC PLANE, PLEASE!"

Zoey sneered and stood up. "Guys, I think it's time we get off." Danny stood up as well, but Rachel, Jason, Lance, and Alice continued to make out. 

"Free food..." Zoey sighed. All four friends jumped up. 

"What? Where?" Jason asked eagerly. 

"Nowhere." Zoey giggled. "Grab your bags. We're going to go get baggage."

Zoey stepped aside, allowing Lance to get back to his seat to retrieve his items. She then walked to the compartment above Alice's seat and grabbed Alice's bag. 

"Here." She said, tossing the teal sequin bag to Alice. She reached up to get her own bag, as Jason and Rachel squeezed past her to get their bags from their seats.

Zoey grabbed Danny's left hand, who was now clutching his carry-on with his right hand, and pulled him through the tunnel that lead from the plane back to the main terminal. 

Zoey hugged Danny as they waited in the terminal for Rachel, Alice, Jason, and Lance. After a few minutes, both couples appeared, Alice, Lance, and Rachel laughing while an annoyed Jason wiped some icing from his shirt. 

"Seriously, who had a cupcake on the plane?" Jason asked, fuming, as he continued to get the gloppy, white icing off his blue T-shirt. 

Rachel grinned sheepishly, and slowly raised her hand. Everyone laughed, except Jason, who gave his girlfriend a glare.

Still laughing, Zoey piped up. "I hate to break up the newest edition of Cupcake Wars here, but we have to get going." She grabbed Danny's hand, and they walked through the terminal to baggage claim.

After all the luggage was picked up, Lance walked to a car rental shop, which was right down the road from HIA. He came back with a white SUV, and everyone loaded their baggage in and headed to the hotel. 

The Surfrider was a HUGE hotel, with a pool and a hot tub and many suites. One of which had three beds. Zoey had booked that one for the summer.

The 25 minute drive felt like two minutes, as Lance was driving, Alice was reading Teen Vogue, Rachel and Jason were kissing, and Danny and I were doing the same. 

As the SUV stopped, Lance got out and opened the door for Alice, who giggled like an embarrassed schoolgirl, and stepped out of the SUV.

Rachel broke away from Jason and frowned, Zoey and Danny doing the same. They all got out of the SUV, and slammed the car door shut.

The three couples walked inside the hotel, which looked very much like an enlarged version of a tiki bar. With fake bamboo and green paint everywhere, it was hard to tell them apart. 

Lance and Zoey walked up to the front desk to get checked into the suite. The worker, who looked to be a girl about Zoey's age, spoke in a dull voice. 

"Welcome to The Surfrider, Honolulu's most prized beachside hotel. We offer suites small and large..." She trailed off, seeing who she was talking to. "ZOEY AND LANCE CHASE?!" The girl asked. 

Zoey thought the worker, who's name tag said Casey, was much more interested in Zoey and Lance Chase than she was with her overpaid, crappy job. Zoey smiled at the thought. 

"Yeah." Lance said. "That's us. We'd like to check into suite 648."

Casey still seemed starstruck. "Where's Alice? If you're here, Alice-"

Alice jogged up to Lance. "Hey, how long will this take?"

"Oh, my, GOD!" Casey gasped. "YOU'RE ALICE BOWMAN!" She ran out from behind the front desk, and hugged Alice. 

Alice, looking surprised, stuttered. "Uh... Y-yeah." Alice said. She pulled away from Casey and practically ran back to Danny, Rachel, and Jason. 

"Can we have our room key now?" Lance asked. He looked annoyed. 

"Uhh, yeah." Casey grabbed a room key, slid it on a machine, and typed in our room number. 

Casey handed the key to Lance, who nodes her a thanks. Zoey smiled, and everyone headed up to the room. 

Inside, everyone unpacked their things. Zoey put all of her things away and sat on the bed. She watched Danny as he walked back and forth. 

"Danny?" Zoey asked. 

"Hmm?" Danny answered. He sounded concerned. 

"What if Lance goes away again? What if he gets called to Iraq, or who knows where, and then gets hurt? What if something happens, Danny?"

"Zoe, nothing's going to happen. I promise." Danny tried to reassure Zoey. He sat next to her on the bed and put his arm around her. 

"You don't know anything!" Zoey shouted. "I don't want him to leave me again!"

"Zoey. He wanted to tell you this, but..." Danny started. "He resigned yesterday. He didn't want to go away again."

"No way!" Zoey yelled, hugging Danny. "You always know how to make me smile."

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