One Shot- CharlieDeVonne

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*This is not written by me, this was written by a reader (CharlieDeVonne, obviously) so this did not actually happen in the story, it's just what SHE wants to happen. This ISN'T PART OF THE STORY.*


“Come on Lance!” I exclaimed. “Hurry up!” I said, tugging lightly on his left hand which was interlaced with my right one. “What if we miss something exciting?”

Lance chuckled softly. Even after dating Lance for a while I will never, ever get used to his laugh or his smile, well, I don’t think I will get used to how amazing he really is. But his laugh, gosh his laugh was like music to my ears. Even if you are having a bad day, all you need to cheer you up is Lance’s laugh or his smile. Just these small things were what made him amazing. Well, his personality is also really amazing, so are his looks, obviously. Everything about him is amazing.

“I’m coming! I’m coming, Ali. Don’t worry we won’t miss anything. The volcano isn’t going anywhere. It’s not like it has feet and can just run away.” Lance said teasingly.

“You never know.” I sighed. “Maybe one day the volcano will magically grow a pair of legs and it will run off to go live his life. Ooh, then it will meet another volcano and they will fall hopelessly in love, but at first they won’t tell each other that they love each other because they are too scared that the other volcano won’t share the same feelings that that one volcano has.” I began to rant. “ But they will be friends either way and one day they will kiss and realize that they both share the same feelings for each other. Then they will go get married and live happily ever after and they will have baby volcanos too.”

Lance laughed once again. “I don’t think that will happen, Ali.”

“Can you predict the future, Lance?” I questioned, looking back over my shoulder momentarily and raised an eyebrow at him.

“Well, no, but-”

I quickly cut Lance off. “Well, then shush. You never know. I mean, anything could happen.” I singed as the song Anything Could Happen by Ellie Goulding popped up into my head.

“Okay.” Lance laughed, gosh there it was again, his perfect laugh. “You’re really adorable, you know.” Lance said, pecking me on my right cheek.

“So are you.” I giggled. I started swinging our interlaced hands as we walked.

“Men aren’t adorable- we’re hot.” Lance huffed. I knew he wasn’t really mad or anything like that and that he was only joking.

“Whatever you say, Lance.” I giggle again. I seem to do that a lot now, giggling I mean. I’ve been doing it a lot more since Lance and I started dating.

“Oh my gosh!” I squealed, pointing off to the volcano in the near distance. “There it is!” I held onto Lance’s hand more firmly and started running off to where the volcano was.

When we reached the volcano it was just Lance and I. I guess all of the other tourists must have already left. I mean, it was getting kind of late. The sun was starting to come down slowly. So the sky was a orange and yellow type color.

The Beautiful OnesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon