33- Tradition is Tradition

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“Merry Christmas, Alice.”

I giggled at the laptop in front of me. “Merry Christmas, Lance.”

“I really wish that I was there with you.” He sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

I laughed with another huge grin- I have no idea how he pulled the strings, but he found a way to Skype me on Christmas morning and that’s just so wonderful. “Me too.”

“Next Christmas, though, I’m going to buy you the world.” He told me with a handsome grin.

I giggled again and moved around in my bed before responding. “I don’t think the world is for sale, but I will be perfectly happy with a week in Tahiti.”

“Consider it done.” He chuckled. “I really miss you, baby.”

I smiled at him through the computer and wished that he was here because I just missed him so much. “I really miss you too, Lance. And Zoey told me to wish you a merry Christmas too, but she didn’t want to get up so early.”

“Is it early there? What time is it?” He asked me.

“It’s only five, she’s such a lazy wart.” I sighed.

Lance smirked. “Well, I’m glad that it’s so early because you look kinda hot in pajamas.”

I looked down at what I was wearing- a tank top and shorts, but he couldn’t see the shorts because my lower half was covered by my comforter and the laptop was in front of me, since I was sitting criss cross on the bed. “Puh-lease, I look so much hotter in other things.” I teased him.

“Yeah,” He agreed with a nod. “like nothing at all.”

“You’re especially horny this lovely Christmas morning, aren’t you?” I laughed.

“I haven’t seen you in almost four months, I think it’s understandable.” He defended.

I nodded. “Okay, sure. Oh! And I did get you a Christmas present, by the way.”

“I got you one too.” He grinned. “But you gotta wait until this afternoon.”

“Are we going to be on Skype all day?” I asked him incredulously.

“No,” He laughed. “It’s already there, I arranged something with Ben.”

“Ben isn’t working today, like, nobody is.” I reminded him.

“Alice, just trust me on this, okay?” He laughed.

“Oh, is it that amazing collage thing that’s in your living room?” I wondered. Last night, I had to get something from Zoey’s house and I ran into Ben setting up this huge framed picture that was a collage of pictures of me and Lance and some of me, Zoey, and Lance and there was a small poem in the corner. I know that Lance didn’t write the poem, but it was super cute and I sat there and stared at it for like, twenty minutes sobbing at the adorableness of it. Ben was shocked and told me to act surprised when I saw it the next day because I wasn’t supposed to see it until Christmas.

“How did you see it?” Lance whined.

“I had to go to your house last night and I saw it accidently. It’s very perfect though and I love it.”

“Well, that’s good.” He sighed. “I worked very hard on it.”

“I could tell.” I giggled. “I can’t wait to hang it up.”

“Good, and now that you know what I got you, you can show me mine now, that’d be cool.” Lance grinned at me.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes at him before leaning over to my nightstand and grabbed the fancy watch that I’d bought just a little while ago. It was specially made from Michael Kors and on the back, it was engraved with my full name and Lance’s full name and a small heart.

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