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Have you ever looked at a smiling face, and wonder if they are truly happy? Or, are they just hiding behind a mask? I know it's an odd question, but my answer is yes.

Every time I see someone smiling, I ask myself are they actually happy? or are they just faking it? most of the time, I can tell, for I am the master at fake smiles.

All the people need to know is that I'm a kind stranger, that they don't need to fear. How can I be a wallflower if I'm freaking out 24/7?!

But, I am constantly running away from my fears. It's not like I have much of a choice. My grandfather left me all alone when I was 6.(And no he didn't die, he just...Well....disappeared).

Like I was saying, he no longer offered me protection from the darkness. Not like night time darkness, I mean evil. At a very young age, I possessed life magic.

what's that? it means I create/control anything living, from the blades of grass on the ground to your very soul. ( sounds evil,I know. but I promise you I'm a good guy). If people knew what I was, they would think of me as invincible, but I'm actually not. I'm not very strong, and I'm quite clumsy. Also, I would probably sacrifice myself to save another. Others in danger is my weakness. Oh and spiders. >//////<

I'm not much of a threat, to the good guys of course, but that's because my soul is pure. If I were to be plauged by darkness, my powers would switch from life to death.

My grand-pappy always told me I was special. I sometimes even wonder if in human, to be perfectly honest. But I've been able to do a lot of thinking.

For I'm alone....





Running away from the darkness...




But that all changes once I meet them.

Who's them???? (sigh, never mind. it's pretty obvious)
hope you enjoyed the prologue!!!
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