Mysterious Man

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Authors' Note
I decided to continue this book.... kinda. It's been AGES since I've watched/read Fairy Tail. Updates will be VERY slow, and my writing style has changed possibly for the worse ;-; But! I will try! Thank you to those who urged me to continue writing this, it means so much. *hugs* I have self confidence issues, and doubt in my abilities A LOT. So seeing that people do want to read this makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. So thank you tons! *gives all the hugs*


Pov: Unknown

"I swear, master! It was that Anna girl! We saw her magic first hand!" The man trembles as he kneels before me. I tap my finger on the side of my face as my red eyes glare at him from where I sit. How very interesting. Our missing princess is in Magnolia.

"And you let her escape?" My voice is calm, yet it causes the man to freeze in fear. Everything is silent in the dark room. His fellow guild mates, who currently kneel behind him, immediately go pale. At least they're not stupid enough to argue back. "Very  well." I say as I stand, growing impatient with the silence. My boots click against the stone floors, the echo bounces off the wall. Each step I take causes the man to flinch until I am before him. I squat in front of him looking dead into his eyes, which have yet to make contact. Annoyed, my hand shoots to his chin and gently lifts it to meet my own.

Pure fear. I chuckle to myself as I feed off the look, excitement quickly growing within me.

"Since you have failed me once, I will give your life purpose." I coo softly as I can't contain my amusement at his changing expressions. His lips tremble as I brush them gently with my thumb. He whimpers in protest as I lean forward, my hand keep him still. My eyes never leave him as our lips connect.

Pain. Anguish. Dread. Horror. And other emotions that cannot be described by a single word.

He tastes bitter as his features slowly change. His skin begins to tighten around his skeleton, as if nothing were between the two. In a matter of seconds, the man before me turns into a limp structure of bones. I smirk as I scan to room, making contact with the ones that looked up and watched my little show.

"The reapers kiss....."  A faint voice whispers subconsciously. My hand drops the skull, causing it to crash to the floor. A loud crack is heard throughout the room. The opposite hand brushes my lips before I stare once more into the crowd.

"Get rest tonight. For tomorrow we plan. Anna will be ours before the year ends. "


Anna's Pov

She's fast.... In a matter of seconds Nashi is directly in front of me, swinging her flaming fist at my head. Okay, Anna. Don't show your full powers. Do what you do best.... Put on a mask...

In result of me being too occupied in my mind, I barely dodge her attack.

"P-please.... I don't want to fight! " my pleas go unnoticed as she gives me a cocky grin. Her guild mates just sweat drop in unison.

"And I don't wanna talk! Let's go twinkle toes!" Once more she charges, except now both her hands are aflame. This time I jump into the air to avoid her attack, then lightly jumped of her head and back flipped towards the door. With my speed, I quickly went through the crowd of people and opened the door. Once it was closed, I released a sigh of relief.

"What do we have here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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