Test Time!

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"Alright brats! Let's go!" said Haruka as she walked into the classroom. 'I hope I do good at this whole Sensei thing.'

"Hello Haruka-nee!" said Michiru with a smile.

"Michiru, it's Haruka-Sensei now," said Ami to her friend.

"Haruka-Sensei," said Rei with a smile.

"Well, come on!" said Haruka as she led the three girls out of the room.

They walked until they were near the swing set. Haruka sat on the swing while the three Genin sat on the floor in front of her.

"Alright, we won't do introductions because we know each other, but I do want to know your dreams," said Haruka with a smile. 'Let's see what I'm working with.'

"I'll go first," said Rei.

"Alright, then Ami, and Michiru last," said Haruka.

"Kay," said the other two girls.

"My dream is that I want to be a good ninja. Not much to it. I want to be able to protect my friends and family. If I end up being better than I thought, then that would be great too," said Rei with a smile.

"Well, I'm not surprised," said Haruka with a sweat drop. 'It's like my own personal Shikamaru. The only difference is that she's willing to actually work.'

"Well, I want to be able to master the Ice Style Oba-chan can do. I've only just started but I'm working on it! I learned that we come from a clan that was killed off. She said that we might be the only people. Because of that, I want to be proficient in it and show people that we are still strong!" said Ami with a determined look.

"That's a good goal," said Haruka with a smile. 'Is she somehow related to Haku? Why the fuck didn't I ask about that sooner?'

"I want to find out the truth about what happened to the Uchiha clan. I also hope to one day restore the clan," said Michiru.

"And we will, together," said Haruka with a smile. 'I've trained her well. We will save Itachi!'

"What do we do now?" asked Rei with confusion.

"Well, tomorrow you guys will be meeting me tomorrow at field 9 and we are going to take a test!" said Haruka with a sadistic smile, scaring the other girls. 'What fun I will have!'

"Well, I'm going to go. I'll see you all tomorrow. Michiru, I won't be going home tonight. Later!" said Haruka as she disappeared. In reality, she was watching from a nearby tree.

"Well, we should go and prepare for anything," said Rei as she stood up and dusted herself off.

"Yeah!" said Ami with a smile.

"We can talk about it over food?" suggested Michiru.

"Yeah," said the other two girls with a smile. The three then walk off.

"Interesting students you have there," said a voice from next to Haruka as they watched the girls walk off.

"Yes, they are. And so are yours, if you bother to get to know them," she said with a smirk. 'I can't believe I'm talking to Kakashi!'

"Hmm. We'll see, won't we?" said Kakashi as they both jumped down from the trees. He then turned to look at her. "So where are you going to stay if you aren't going home?"

"Not sure. I might go see if I can stay with the Inuzuka's."

"Hmm. I have an extra room at my place. I'll let you stay if you tell me about my students," offered Kakashi, shocking Haruka.

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