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Elanor Kane's first vivid memory was a game of chess between Wells Jaha and Clarke Griffin. She could not have been older than 4, as Clarke and Wells were just learning to play. Her father was at work, some sort of emergency that a four year old would not understand, and she was under the care of Thelonius Jaha and Jake Griffin, who she called Uncle Theo and Uncle Jake respectively. She knew there were no real aunts or uncles on the Ark, as there were no siblings allowed. A rule she did not even remember learning. There were things like that on the Ark, rules that nobody remembered learning that went unquestioned. Questioning them meant trouble. Breaking them meant death.

Elanor Kane knew she would never break the rules of the Ark.

The hum of the TV was accompanied by the giggles of Clarke and Wells and the shouts of Uncle Theo and Uncle Jake as they cheered on a soccer game. It was not like it would make a difference. The game had ended at least a hundred years ago.

Young Eleanor was a curious girl, always wanting to learn more. Most of the time her will to learn was obliged by patient adults. Seeing seven year olds Clarke and Wells play a game she did not know triggered her natural curiosity.

"Can you teach me to play?"

Wells sighed. "No, you're too young, Nellie. You won't understand"

"Can I watch?"

"No, Nellie." Wells turned to her.

"Why not?"

"You won't understand the game, Elanor," Clarke said, "and anyway, you're just going to ask way too many questions and end up ruining the game for us. Just leave us alone"

Elanor padded off, joining the adults. She plopped down on the floor in front of her Uncle Theo and tried to focus on the soccer game.

"Elanor, I thought you were playing with Wells and Clarke" Jake Griffin commented.

"I was. But they're playing a game that I can't play" Elanor responded.

Thelonius Jaha sat up straighter in his chair. "What do you mean by that?"

"I'm too young. I wouldn't understand it. And I ask too many questions"

Jaha chuckled. "Asking questions isn't a bad thing Elanor. But sometimes, there are situations where people are busy, or don't want to answer your questions unless they are super important. Clarke and Wells are busy. I don't think they're trying to be mean, Elanor"

"One day, will you teach me how to play, Uncle Theo?" Elanor asked.

"Of course, Elanor"

As Thelonius Jaha turned back to the soccer game, the door swung open and all of the inhabitants turned to look.

"Dad!" Elanor jumped to her feet, dashing towards her father.

"Thelonius..." Marcus Kane ignored his daughter. His walk was staggering and unstable and there were small accents of blood marking his hands and forearms. "Thelonius, I'm so sorry"

"What do you mean?" Thelonius said, approaching his friend.

"There was a riot in factory station. Your wife somehow got mixed up in it. I ordered the Guard to break up the riot. In the chaos, someone reached for my gun. In the struggle, it went off. We have the man in custody. I'm so sorry" Marcus said, resting his hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Take me to her"


"I said, take me to her!"

"I can't." Marcus's voice trembled. "She was dead before a doctor got there"

Wells Jaha, who had been watching the whole thing from across the room finally spoke up.

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