The Diamonds Chapter 2

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The Diamonds Chapter 2: Mechanic

*Weeks later*
*Pieces has on her Mechanic jumpsuit and is working on one of the Leech Fighters*
*Pieces twists her wrench and tightens a bolt*

Pieces "Another one bites the dust."
Commander K "Pieces."

*Pieces jumps up and salutes her*

Pieces "Good afternoon, Commander Kaitlyn!"
Commander K "At ease. I see you finished with another Leech."
Pieces "That makes eighteen today."
Commander K "Eighteen? It takes at least six hours to fix one of these with a team."
Pieces "I was known as the number two Mechanic in my country. I could build a car from random parts in eleven hours."
Commander K "It takes seventeen to eighteen hours to make one in a factory. How are you better than robots?"
Pieces "I am very smart."
Commander K "Do you know your IQ?"
Pieces "People say I have an IQ over four hundred."
Commander K "Four hundred!"
Pieces "I've taken countless tests and passed all of them. I was to build a commercial airliner and they would come back after 24 hours to see how much I got done."
Commander K "How much did you finish?"
Pieces "I build up to the cargo hold. Planes are big. I don't know what they expected of me, but they were still surprised."
Commander K "You must be extraordinarily fast."
Pieces "I am! For some reason I have an ability for speed."
Commander K "Come with me, I'll take you to our speed course."
Pieces "I've always wanted to try that."

*Pieces stretches at the starting line*
*Commander K is on a floating platform above*

Commander K "This test will be conducted in 4 parts. First is jumping, then ducking, then both, then a final sprint to the finish."
Pieces "You got it!"
Commander K "Go!"

*Pieces dashes forward*
*Pieces jumps over a metal bar*
*Pieces keeps running and another metal bar swings out from the wall*
*Pieces quickly leaps and frontflips over it*
*She sprints forward with amazing speed jumping right over all sorts of objects*
*She bursts through a door and metal bar is right in front of her*
*She slides under it and another bar*
*She keeps going maintaining the same great speed*
*3 very low bars block her path and as she slides, she gets as friendly with the ground as she can*
*She emerges front the other side and bursts through another door*
*She jumps over one bar and goes into a slide as she lands*
*As soon as she gets back up, a metal bar is hurled right at her face*
*She bends back to dodge it and keeps running*

Commander K "Amazing reflexes. Such speed. She can't be."

*She bursts through the final door and dashes towards the finish*
*A speedometer catches her final speed as 42 Miles Per Hour*

Pieces "Woo!"

*Pieces is somewhat out of breath*
*Commander K floats down on the platform*

Commander K "42 Miles per hour. This is amazing. You're faster than any human alive."
Pieces "Guess I have some good gifts."
Commander "You shouldn't even be able to move that fast. That's impossible."
Pieces "I do the impossible!"

*Pieces makes a silly pose*

Commander K "Let's try to see if you can breathe in space."
Pieces "Wait, not that!"

*The Commander laughs*
*Later that day*
*Pieces is fixing some loose wiring*

Rilee "Heeeey!"
Pieces "Heeeey!"
Rilee "Working hard I see."
Pieces "As always. Gotta make sure everything works around here."
Rilee "Yeah, everyone's been chatting you up lately."
Pieces "How does everyone on this ship need something fixed?"
Rilee "Clumsy people. Have you seen Aria?"
Pieces "She's in the Loading Bay. One of the doors is coming loose from that rough landing the other day, but no one is allowed out there without permission. You need something?"
Rilee "I haven't talked to her much since we got here. I don't want her to think I don't like her."
Pieces "I'm sure she doesn't think that. There have been a lot more Zwi-tech attacks as of late."
Rilee "I'm working my ass off out there."
Pieces "I'm happy you haven't died."
Rilee "Few close calls, but nothing to keep me out of the game."
Pieces "Like you still wouldn't. You could be missing both legs and still fight like normal."
Rilee "I'm just that useful."
Pieces "I still remember when we were younger and you were deathly sick. You still had so much energy."
Rilee "I hated just laying there in bed all day. I wanted to get out and run!"
Pieces "Rest is the best method for getting better."
Rilee "We video called that whole day."
Pieces "Kept you entertained though."

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