Chapter 5

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A/N: Ok so I'm thinking about putting this book on hold for a little while... I just have so much stuff going on and never have time to go on Wattpad anymore. But you can still message me and I would LOVE to message you back! :) I will try to make this chapter pretty long. THANKS DEARIES!! XX ~Jill


Chapter 5:

Jessie's dads POV: (Before the acident)

I pull my Justin ropers over my black long socks, and flip the off switch on the TV.

'Man I really need to find something better to do than watching those dang Cattle actons.' I thinnk shaking my head. I grab a peice of Corn-bread, meant for dinner, and head out the kitchen screen door. The porch boards squeak as I walk over them.

'John!' I yell.

'Where is that man?' I mumble to myself. I walk into the barn and see him cleaning Blue's stable.

'What will I ever do without you, John?' I say with a chuckle.

'Well I'm just doing my job, sir.' he says with a grin.

'Mom has got chili and Corn-bread made up in the kitchen for dinner. You can head over there if you like. I wouldn't mined finishing the job for you.' I say sinsirly.

'I'm already walking!' he said. I smile and grab the rake and wheel-barrow.

'Wheres that new boy at? Whats his name? Man I really need to stop watching the telly!' I said talking to myself. I set the rake down and walk out the barn door, but desited Bulls-eye needs some exersise. I head over to the tack closet located at the back of the barn. I fill the old potatoe sack full of oats and fling it over my shoulder. With my master skills, I put the worn out, red, saddle pad over my favorite brown western saddle, and hook the matching reins over the horn of the saddle. I lift the saddle off the stand and smile at my bulging musles. I kick the tack door open with the toe of my boot and wabble over to Bulls-eyes pin. I sat the saddle over the pin gate and let Bulls-eye eat from the oat sack. Once he finishes, he gives a winny of aproval. I turn to my left and open his tack box. (Yes aperintly Bull now has his own tack box! Ain't he speacil?) I move aside all his old ribbons and picture frames looking for his fire brush and pick. I finally found them with little trouble. I give Bull a quick brush down and set the pick aside for after the ride. I fling the saddle over him with little effort and buckle him up. I slide the bit into his mouth and jump onto his back. i kick the gate open, and trot down to the hay stacks. I finally found the boy and remeber his name right away.

'Sean, get thought ear buds out of your ears before I do it for you!' I say out of patince.

'Oh hey boss!' he said turning pale.

'Why arn't those hay bells stacked yet?! I told you an hour ago to do that! I agreed to your fathers plead of giving you a job, and you are making me disaponted.' I say sturn.

'One more screw up and your gone, you hear me?' I say raising my voice.

'Yes sir.' He said jumping up. He lifts a hay bell up, but has trouble putting it on the other.

'No, I will leave that for John in the morning. You go fill the horses hay bags up with hay.' I say with a sigh.

'Yes, sir.' He told me.

'Don't screw up please?' I say pleading.

'Yes, sir.' He looked tired of saying that.

'Begone then.' I said with a wave of my hand. He hops into his Silverado truck and heads to the barn. I shook my head and decided to trot over to my cattle.

Sean's POV:

I wipe my hands on my jeans and look at my work. I smile. I don't think I messes up this time.

'Did he want me to feed that stallion?' I think walking outside. 'Well it wont hurt to try! It needs to eat either way.' I get in my truck and stear to the round corral he was in. Before feeding him, I wanted to see what he looked like up close. I look around and walk up the the stallion's corral. I climb up on the bars and swing my feet between two. After I had a good look at him, I pull my feet back through and start climbing down. My feet find a ledge and I decided to step on it. Something clicked and before I relized what happened, the gate started swinging open. The stallion ran out with a blink of an eye.

'Oh crap! I screwed up!' I said starting to sweat. 'What will the boss say?' Before my mind could prosess what happened I screamed 'THE STALLIONS LOOSE!'


A/N: Ok so I have made up my mind, I will put the book on hold, but will TRY to bring it back with a new book. I may upload more just out of the blue, but only if I have time. I also might change the name of the new book... sounds a little stupid, Haha! 8D Thanks! SORRY FOR ERRORS!!


Ever Rid'n a Wild Horse?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora