Chapter 6

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A/N: HOLY CRAP!! IT HAS BEEN A LONNNNGGGG TIME!! I guess I told you it would be long though.... thats what you get for listening to me!! :D Anyways... Enough of me talking I garentee that your guys (and ladies) are dieing to hear more!?!? I know I have been dieing to WRITE more!! :) THANKS! Oh and sorry for errors!! ~Jill P.S BIG HUG, little kiss, little hug, BIG KISS!! (Nacho Libre!!)


Chapter 6:


"Oh crap what will boss say? He's gonna kick me sky high then fire me!" I start to tremble just thinking about it. Jackson comes racing up on Bulls-eye and stops quickly looking me in the eyes making me sweat like a dog. If I loose this job dads gonna kill me, but if I get to keep it, boss isn't going to be Mr. Nice Guy anymore!

"What were you thinking you idiot?!?" Jackson yells at me. Poof went my job. "I-I Went-t to-o feed-d," I stamer. "SPIT IT OUT SON!" Jackson yells at the top of his lungs. "I went to feed the horses and thought the stallion needed to eat too. I was going to feed him, honest, but I wanted to see him first. I stood up on the corral fence and after I got a good look at him I started to climb back down. I guess my foot must have steped on the clip because the gate swung open after that.: I said feeling my face burn in embarisment. " You GUESS??" Boss yells. "Never mind you, I'll deal with you later. I have to catch a $20,000 stallon that runs faster than Bull!" Jackson shouts. "You run in the house and get John! Oh and Sean, DON'T SCREW UP!!" Boss clicks to Bull and they gallop off towards the barn.

"... DON'T SCREW UP!!" It stays ringing in my ears as I run full speed towards the farm house. "I wouln't boss, I swear!" I yell even though he can't hear me.


Jackson's P.O.V:

I feel bad for yelling at that boy, but someone needs to knock some sence into him! I feel even worse making Bull run so fast like this.

I literly fly of of Bull when we reach the barn. I fling myself into the barn and run down the hallway making the horses in they're pens scurry. "Blues still gone, which means Jessica is still riding. I hope she dosn't come across the stallion!" I say running faster towards the tack closet. I crash through the door and look around quickly for my rope. THERE! I spot it laying in the corner on top of a bag of chicken feed. I snach it up, and dart down the hallyway. I just about crash into John running out of the barn.

"Sean said you needed me quick." John stamers out of breath. "Ya, saddle up a fast horse and grab a rope." The stallion got loose."

Thats all I rebember saying as I high-jump onto Bulls-eye and gallop twards the corral. "I don't have enough time to wait around for John. That stallion could be anywhere by now!" I think out loud.

The wind blows through my ears so fast that I'm scared I will never be able to hear again. I pull Bull into a fast trot to keep him from running out of energy. He's going to need it, that stallion is known for his speed and intelligence.

I follow some fresh tracks leading to the wash. The sun, already down, makes it hard to see a black fighur in the dark. I try to shade my eyes to see better. Is that him? I squint my eyes just in time to see the stallion dart out from under a oak tree. Bull kicks into speed. He's used to stuff like this.

I grab my rope and start to swing it around my head. Bull pulls to the right, now on the left side of the stallion. I know it is a fatal mistake, but I put my trust on Bull as I let loose the cut reigns. I swing and take a deep breath. Just as I was about to get him, just as I was about to win back my $20,000, I get smacked in the head with a tree branch. I start to slip, but managed to get a hold of the reigns. My foot had slipped out of the saddle and I was afraid of falling. So afraid that I pulled Bull back and stoped him.

"HO! Good boy!! Good boy Bull!" I say to him out of breath. I could hear his heavy breath. "Come on, lets go home. It's to dark to see anything anyways. Theres a ridge up ahead, the stallion would make it, but I'm afraid boy we wouldn't I say chuckling. I turn Bull around and start back towards the house. My chest feels as if it has a big black hole in the middle. I lost my money bag.


A/N: SOOOO??!!? How was it?? Haha I thought it was pretty good myself. There was a couple fast parts, then slow parts, then more fast parts! 8D I love messing with you guys! Haha please tell me how it was?? I love the messages you write at the bottom! They make my day (sometimes week!!) Thanks loves! XX

~Jill (The cowgirl)

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