Chapter 12

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A/N: Hey lovely people of Wattpad! I'm not sure how many of you guys actually read Author Notes (I know I rarely do) so... On to the story. Sorry for any errors!


Jessica's P.O.V:

Walking into the barn makes me feel empty. I try to hold back tears, but realize I failed, as one comes rolling down my face. Bravely, I wipe it away. I half expected to see Blue come up to his stall gate and give me a friendly whinny. I really miss my friend.

"So," I start trying to think of something to say.

"Look, you don't have to pretend with me." Great. Thanks Justin! I try to block him from seeing me cry. I feel like this was all my fault.

"Come here," Justin grabs my wrist and pulls me into a giant hug. I hug him back. This is all I need. A hug. The tear stream down my face, and gets all over his coat. I pull away and laugh when I see what my tears had done. His whole left shoulder was covered in little tear drops.

"Gee, thanks," he mumbles. I laugh, and brush away any last tears.

"Come on, let's go ride some horses," I pull him in the direction of Bulls-Eye and Nelly.


Justin's P.O.V:

I can tell she is really trying to be brave. I don't want to push anything, for the thought of her crying again. I try to shake it off.

"So, I'm guessing I get Ol' Nelly again right?" I walk up to Nelly not waiting for an answer.

"I guess so. I'll try not to get into trouble again," says Jessie walking into the tack room.

"I think we both know that's not going to happen," I laugh walking beside her. She smirked. Well, there's the Jessica I've known my whole life. I watch as she grabs the horse brush.

"Why are you watching me?" She didn't even need to turn around to tell I was looking at her.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, you could seriously hurt your self even more." That last thing I want is to have her back in a hospital bed.

"Come on Justin! I'm 19, I think I know what I can manage and what I can't." She smiles and walks out. I guess that's true. I can't stop her from doing anything.

"Hey, can you toss me the brush?" I holler to Jessie.

"Yeah, one sec." The brush comes flying over the top of the fence, almost hitting me in the head.

"Gosh! Are you on steroids or something? That brush almost hit me in my head!" I can hear her laughing. I smile. It's good to hear her laugh. I brush Nelly down, and head back into the tack room. Jessica was already in there, and I could tell she was struggling to pick up her saddle. Without thinking, I walked over and took it from her.

"Hey! I could have done it you know," she follows me towards Bull.

"One last time, are you sure?" I don't have a good feeling.

"Oh my gosh! Yes! I'm fine!" She takes the saddle away from me and throws it over Bulls-Eye.

"Alright... Then let's go." I quickly saddle up Nelly, and we both head out together.


Jessica's P.O.V:

Across the wash, the trees start to get thick. Pine trees start to come out of no where. I forgot how much I missed this place. Me and Justin used to even have a tree house around here, when we were both six.

"Remember the old tree house we had?" I smile at the memory.

"Haha, yeah, I remember. You were the princess and I was the Prince of the fortress," he says raising his eye brows. I laugh, but it fades into a frown as I remember something.

"Did my dad ever find the Stallion?" Justin is quite. All you can hear is the crunching of leaves and pine needles under the horses.

"Justin?" I push

"No." That's it, that's all he could say. No wonder my dad has been so stressed out lately. Suddenly, I pull Bull into a halt.

"What's wrong?" Says Justing stopping too. I thought I heard something.

"Nothing," I kick Bull back into a walk. The trees start to clear, and it's obvious we are coming into a meadow. Then I hear it again! What is it? I stop bull again.

"Now what!" Just stops again.

"Hush! I'm trying to listen," I shushed him. The sound it coming from my right? It sounds like a whinny?

"What is that?" Thins time Justin whispers.

"Great, you can hear it too. I thought I was going crazy," I lead Bull a little farther so that we are right up next to the edge of the meadow. I look around. And there! Not, but twenty feet out is a group of wild horses. But you would never believe who was at the lead, the Stallion.

******************************************************************************************************************************AN: Sorry it was a shorter chapter. Some people are coming over, and I need to get ready. But, I felt like you guys deserved a little update.

~Jill and Blue :)

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