Final A/N

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Hi readers! I originally wanted to write this story to tease a friend of mine. A few chapters in however, my motivation changed. I actually really wanted to write it. I grew to love my adaptations of J.K. Rowling's characters and so I continued. After rereading the HP series, watching the movies, and (most importantly) reading fan fictions, and learning more about the Wizard world, I began to get to know the other sides of characters more, even if it isn't always canon. I now feel like Draco always was a good person, and the stuck up pureblood git was his father's personality that was forced into him. I wanted him to change, and it's an added perk that his change was because of a girl. *cough* Alexia *cough* Although nothing could ever replace J.K. 's original HP series, I must say that I love my version.

Also, here's an explanation if you're confused: This story takes place in Alexia's 6th year. She is in the same year as Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, etc. Also Voldemort only made three horcruxes because he thought that three must be the most powerful, dark, number because the deathly hallows were said to be made by death himself and there are three deathly hallows. All three of these would have been destroyed. The diary was destroyed by Harry in his second year. The ring was destroyed by Dumbledore a short while before this book takes place. The locket was destroyed by Harry and Dumbledore right when they found the real one on the same night that the Battle of Hogwarts took place. And Harry (aka the accidental horcrux) became completely himself again (by that I mean the piece of Voldemort's soul was "killed") when he took Voldemort's curse.

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