Chapter 6

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Three weeks from when they were caught, the first Quidditch game of the year took place. Draco, of course, was on the Slytherin Quidditch team as their seeker. And of course, it was this position that Snape was ready to use against Draco and make it as amusing as he could for himself.

"But, that's not fair!" Draco continued to protest. Alexia cut him a look. If he kept up like this, Snape was sure to ban him for the rest of the year. They were sitting side by side in Madam Hooch's office, with Sprout, Snape, and Madam Hooch herself standing behind the desk that separated the teachers and their students. "I'm sorry Mr. Malfoy," Professor Sprout said. "but perhaps you should have thought about this BEFORE you snuck out of Hogwarts, not after." Alexia and Draco had been here for nearly 45 minutes, first listening to yet another speech about their "little midnight outing" and then another on "accepting the punishments" and then Snape finally lost his temper and yelled out that they would both be banned from the upcoming Quidditch match, as it had not yet been a month, and their regular punishments had not been lifted. This was about the point when Draco, too, became tired of sitting quietly while his professors droned on, trying to tell them delicately (though in his opinion this was impossible) that their punishment wouldn't allow a Quidditch match for them. After Snape and Draco bickering for a few minutes, Madam Hooch intervened. "Enough. The two of you will stay in the castle during the match. Dumbledore's orders." Draco fell silent and slumped down in his chair. Even he, the Slytherin Prince, who had no boundaries, knew that "Dumbledore's orders" meant it was final. Snape smiled triumphantly. He had won. Draco and Alexia would be in the castle during the match, and there was nothing they could do to change that.

Draco grumbled the entire way back up to the castle. (Madam Hooch's office was a separate building out on the grounds, in the same area where the Quidditch teams' lockers were) "Well at least we can have the entire castle to ourselves." Alexia said, trying to cheer him up. Although she was sad for him that he would not be able to play, she was actually glad that they couldn't attend. If they could have, she would be forced to sit with her friends on the side that was cheering for the Hufflepuff team, when, in fact, she would rather have been sitting on the Slytherin side. Like this, she wouldn't have to choose between her best friends, and Draco.

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