Chapter 12

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The day after he returned from Hogwarts, Draco was called into the sitting room by his aunt. When he walked in, he found his parents and his aunt already seated, and apparently waiting on him. "Sit down" Bellatrix commanded. Draco sat. Lucius spoke next. "As you know, The Dark Lord has been planning to take down that old fool of a wizard, Dumbledore. You are ready to hear it." Draco gulped. The only people he was more terrified of than his father, were Bellatrix and Voldemort. "You are the key to the plan!" Bellatrix said. "You shall be the one to kill Dumbledore! You will, of course, have backup to deal with his silly little order, but you shall kill him." Draco didn't speak. He knew he would have to at least pretend to go along with the plan, but he also knew that no matter what, he would not join the ranks of the death eaters. He would rather die than betray Alexia and Dumbledore.

For the next two weeks, Draco was miserable. He had to go along and pretend to be all about killing the best wizard alive and then going on to abandon his school career for the darkest wizard known to ever live.

On Christmas Eve night, he took out a small, golden, box. He wrapped it in black and yellow paper, and attached a letter.

Dear princess,
I'm sorry I can't spend this Christmas with you. I know it's a risk to send this, but I can't let Christmas pass without sending this to you. I hope you're better than I am right now. Have a wonderful holiday, wherever you are.

Love always,
Your favorite ferret

P.S. Stay strong. One day this war will end and we will have our happily ever after.

After attaching the package and letter onto his owl, he opened the window and it flew out into the night.

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