Chapter 1

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Every story has a villain. That's just common knowledge. In this story, I'm the villain. I'll give you the rundown of how this started.

My father, Chaos, didn't want to have to share the spotlight with his brother, Order, this lead to a fight between the two. This fight resulted in the making of the first dimension, that's the one we're on right now.

Order, wanted to have the dimension to follow his command keeping it in, well, order. So it did for a while. But it didn't last long, Chaos got bored and made that dimension go into chaos and caused mass destruction.

A few thousand years pass and there are 25 dimensions, most of them are if Order still had control of the first dimension. Order and Chaos decided to leave the first dimension alone. This resulted in the 24 other dimensions split evenly among the two brothers.

So what went wrong?

Nobody really knows. Some people think Chaos tried to take over one of Order's dimension, others say Order tried to take over earth. The dimensions were pinned against each other 10 to 10. The other 4 dimensions stayed neutral.

This is where I come in. I'm Pyra, child of Chaos and Confusion, my job is to prevent the two sides from going to war. I was even gifted the title of Lord of Dimensions. I was also born with powers, like most lords, but most lords only have one power, including Chaos and Order.

As a child, my parents weren't really there for me, they were always too busy. I grew up with Umbros, he's like my big brother, he is the lord of shadows.

Due to Chaos being my father, people expected me to be on his side and were shocked to find out that I was neutral. My father however, was very disappointed in me. I felt like a letdown and fled to a different dimension, while there, I gifted Selene, lord of the moon, the power to travel through dimensions so that there would be a moon in every single one.

This leads me to now, wandering through Order's territory, alone.

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