Chapter 5~Duck Discovers The Truth

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A slightly tipsy Duck wobbled back to her room to take a bath and have a pizza,but,as she walked past Queen Bee's room,lewd moans could be heard. "W-what's going on in there?" She said to herself,quietly pressed her ear to the door so she could properly listen in,only to feel her face heating up as a result. She could hear Queen Bee squealing in pleasure as well as hearing Hedgehog moaning her name. "D-don't stop d-darling...AAAAGH!" Hedgehog panted in between breaths. Poor Duck couldn't believe what she was hearing,but she wouldn't tell a soul and she carefully backed away from the door and ran off to her room,quacking as she did so,tripping every so often from still being tipsy.

Hedgehog struggled against the tight ropes that bound him down,panting and thriving in pure ecstasy. He could feel himself reaching his limit,Queen Bee had already reached her limit and,somehow,wasn't even tired out. "I feel a-as though I-I'm ab-about To..." Hedgehog couldn't even continue as he let out an ear-splitting scream as he came,sticky fluids covered the bed. After what seemed like hours,his orgasm ceased and he panted heavily,feeling the ropes come loose before he collapsed into a deep sleep. Queen Bee smiled sweetly,getting up and washing herself clean,tidying her room and using her magic to put her regular clothes back on.

Duck sat on her bed,quivering and quacking as she tried to forget what she'd heard moments before,eating her pizza. "I can't believe I heard Queen Bee And Hedgehog Going At it like cows in heat." She said to herself,eventually falling asleep.

The next morning,Hedgehog woke up,legs wobbling a little as he got up out of bed,his head still spinning from the booze. "Morning sweetie pie." Queen Bee chirped,floating mid-air from her buzzing wings. "G-good morning m-my little honeycomb." He replied,re-dressing himself,combing his spiky quills carefully. "You're so cute when you're flustered." She giggled,leading her boyfriend out the door to the breakfast room where quite a few of the others were hungover from partying. Duck looked over and her eyes widened before she quacked quietly and returned to her pancakes,praying that nobody saw her blushing.

Love Between Two Species~Hedgehog X Queen Bee Where stories live. Discover now