Chapter 3~Seven Minutes In Heaven

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The group all sat in their massive lounge as loud music played on the giant boom box that Chameleon took. "I'm so totally excited to place seven minutes in heaven with all you." Fox laughed followed by a purr,her fluffy tail swishing from side to Side majestically,Duck And Daisy laughing at the femme fatale's sexy antics.

Hedgehog and Queen Bee nuzzled each other as all the others,including Pharoh, sat in the large circle,a small hat in the middle of them. "Shall we start then guys?" Butterfly said as she clasped her hands together,the others cheering on to the music,which increased in volume.

A few minutes into the game,four of the group creatures had been inside the closet,those creatures being Unicorn,Butterfly,Duck And Daisy. Chameleon laughed at Unicorn,who blushed like a tsundere after being kissed by Duck in the closet seven minutes ago. "I-it ain't funny man!" The stuttering horse boy shouted in a shaky voice,arms folded as he pouted. Butterfly grabbed another folded piece of paper from the hat,reading it out in a slurred voice from drinking lots of alcoholic punch. "Well I suppose it's our turn now Queen Bee." Hedgehog murmured as he and Queen Bee made their way into the closet. "It's kind of weird isn't it,to be put into a closet to kiss each other." He spoke again,immediately being pinned to the wall,face first by a tipsy Bee,a smirk evident on her face. "Hehehe,y-you need to love to rel-relax and unwind hun." She slurred,followed by a drunk laugh,trailing her black hands down his sides,tracing her fingers along the fringes of his spiky quills. Hedgehog let out a loud gasp as his eyes widened from the sudden sensation. The smirking bee gave a light chuckle,still toying with the spiky quills on his back. "Who knew that you'd be oh so sensitive to having your quills touched." She spoke in a low seductive voice. Hedgehog panted,his heart beating faster as Queen Bee kept on touching his spiky quills,massaging and rubbing each and every one of them. He shakily reached his arms round her,pulling her in closer for a tight embrace. Queen Bee decides to up the ante and grabbed a handful of Hedgehog's spiky quills,yanking on them with equal measure,which resulted in him letting out a shaky moan,tongue almost lolling out of his mouth. "I do enjoy seeing this side of you my love,it really is giving me quite a buzz...seeing your submissive streak." Queen Bee cooed,softly pressing kisses to his rough yet fluffy neck,nipping the patch of rough fur slightly. Hedgehog felt his entire face heat up as his undershirt had been unbuttoned,his jacket removed as he got pushed down to the floor of the closet. He grabbed ahold of Queen Bee and pulled her into a steamy yet passionate kiss,tongues entwined,moans echoed through the closet. "Oh my Lord." Queen Bee gasped,feeling Hedgehog squeezing her rear as she roughly nipped and kissed at his neck all whilst yanking on his spiky quills And small fluffy tail,making Hedgehog almost shout in such blissful pleasure. "Times almost up guys." Fox said from the other side of the closet door,a laugh escaping from her. Both Hedgehog and Queen Bee quickly tidied them selves up and exited the closet,walking straight over to the punch bowl for a drink. Unicorn smirked at them,jealous yet happy for them both.

Love Between Two Species~Hedgehog X Queen Bee Where stories live. Discover now