Chapter 4- ...and monsters deep in the dark

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A/n Guys, this chapter is connected to the 3rd one, so now you can get a full picture, anyway hope you still enjoy... I'm putting all my heart in this.... welcome to this chapter, let's roll out!


For the whole flight, around 2 hrs, we learned much more of each other, we grew close, more than a team, we were siblings, of course not genetically, but blood pact ones... In fact we all did a cut on our right palm and we did promised, that we will stick together, leaving no one behind, and be there for each other.

After some time the pilots talked to us through the microphones "We will be above the target in 5 minutes get ready to drop, then we will send you the randevou point after we land."

"You heard them soldiers, guns up and ready to jump" I said as we all took what was necessary and readied ourselves. When we were close the back door of the plane opened "10 seconds!" The pilot said

"Soldiers.... Let's roll out" I said as the count down was going and at the end we all jumped. We let hair flow on our armor as we jumped down and we landed safely thanks to our nano-tech protection for knees and fists, but also to our engines that slowed our fall.

We looked at each other as we were a Kilometer away from the factory "Roll call... Raven... Demo...Medusa.... Mantis.. Shadow..." They all answered the call as our AI's connected to each other.

"Good... So... Raven, since you are the sniper find a good point of view when you can cover almost everything, your shots will pass through walls so stay with your mind on the target, we don't want to casually injury our objectives" she nodded and stealthy went away

Pride, I need you out now... I thought as he got control and studied the situation

"Mantis, Shadow.... You are both assassins so I want you both the get in from the lateral exit and silently kill who is really dangerous for our entry.... Medusa, use your drones to find the targets... Demo... You and me will create a distraction and then you will hold them as I get in and join Mantis and Shadow" she all nodded and got our ways

Joker took his place as leader of the 6 me for now "Demo... I may have a good idea... So you make stuff exploding, so they will go check, then you throw me on the roof and then you get towards them and kill them, I know the boss won't move so I will get him from behind" she nodded

I returned back to myself as Demo set up the explosions devices and lit them once she came back to me when they moved she threw myself in as the assassins had already got in and Medusa had find what we were searching for. We divided, Me and Mantis would take the president while Shadow and Medusa the prime Minister.

We got in towards our location as we silently took down who was in front of us snapping their necks or cutting their throats, or even piercing their skills with the throwing knifes, we found him, but he was used as a human shield "Six options..." I said softly pointing the gun to the terrorist head alongside Mantis

"The only option is to shoot the president on the left shoulder to make him crouch in pain and make a clean shot from Mantis or Raven" she said

"Raven is helping Demo with keeping most of the soldiers out" said Crow

Pride?... I asked him, hoping for a better option. None, but we can follow her strategy and hit his shoulder but not on full hit, a little out it, so you just scar his skin avoiding futile damage he thought

I nod and passed the plan to Mantis and waited for his okay, I moved away my rifle then shot the President's shoulder with my pistol, he did moved out letting Mantis get a headshot with his single shot rifle. We walk to him "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" he yelled in pain "You are safe, are you not? than thank me fatass!" I leave him to Mantis.

War.......War Never Changes... (Rainbow Six Siege Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora