Chapter 2- Welcome to S.C.P.T.L.

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A/n: Hey guys, how are ya doing? I will see your comments by now but I already got some chapters already on the line, so if you don't see some changes that's why, you know, in case I don't have time to write....btw enjoy and see ya on the next


I hit my head a few times against something hard, that slowly made me awake as I looked around myself. I noticed I was in a military truck, with me 11 teenagers that were the ones that stood on the seats during the fight and a girl I never saw, me and her were the only one awake

 I noticed I was in a military truck, with me 11 teenagers that were the ones that stood on the seats during the fight and a girl I never saw, me and her were the only one awake

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"Hi there" I softly said as she looked at me "Hi... Good fight you had in the arena..." She said as she looked at my body "bet this isn't your first fight ..." She added. I shook head no "it was ... But it wasn't the first time I had to risk my life.... So I just went with the flow" I told her as she looked in shock "You weren't even prepared to fight?" She almost yelled as I just nodded, leaving her speechless.

She then goes back to herself and coughed a bit, before stretching her hand towards me and says softly "I'm Raven.... Nice to meet ya" she said smiling faintly as I shook her hand "Doom.... or Paradox...." I told her calm and emotionless

She nods as the truck stops and Markus and the other woman came to open us "Come on soldiers!" Markus screamed as they all jumped up awake and they all got in line as I just followed and got in line with the others.

Markus walked in front of us, accompanied by the same woman that was on the VIP seat "I am Markus.... Commander of the S.C.P.T.L. ... The short for Spartan-Centurion Paradox Titan Legion.... I welcome you all soldiers and I introduced you your General...."

The woman took a step in the front "I'm Lena... I will be, alongside Markus, those that will coordinate our missions, Glad to meet you all soldiers..."

"now, we would like our new recruit to introduce himself, a step forward" said Markus giving me the word

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"now, we would like our new recruit to introduce himself, a step forward" said Markus giving me the word... I took the step forward "I have no name, but my codenames are Doom or Paradox, call me as you like, I was never trained, I always did things on my own, I was tortured and abused, that developed in me DID disorder.... There are other 5 versions of myself you will meet when needed" I took a step backwards as I saw them all in shock, even the two adults, but they got back in themselves.

"Now... Let's go to the briefing room.." said Lena "Doom.... you will go with Markus to the lab" she said to which I answered with a nod and followed the male soldier to the lab. As we walked there Markus decided to not let silent be a part of that little walk "How did you got all that personalities?" He asked as he seemed intrigued and curious. I looked at him, then sighed "Abused everyday but my father, forging an unbreakable will, yet always taken care by my mother..." I said as he nodded "I think that's why you never feared death"

I looked at him and nod "Death is like dark... At the start they were my fear ... Now they are my friends" I said as we got to the lab.

As the door opened, an advanced high technology lab was revealed, we entered as a girl got towards us "Hi Markus... Is this the new recruit?" She said softly

He nodded as I looked at the female, she smiled at me "Come kid~ it will be quick, I am Gracy" she said as she walked further in the lab as I looked at Markus and saluted him to follow the researcher as I looked around, a lot of her collaborors mo...

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He nodded as I looked at the female, she smiled at me "Come kid~ it will be quick, I am Gracy" she said as she walked further in the lab as I looked at Markus and saluted him to follow the researcher as I looked around, a lot of her collaborors moving from a screen to another, writing down results and more.

She got in a room where there was only a lab bed. I laid myself there and waited as she came with a syringe with a strange liquid between blue and purple. She injected it in my arm.

As it got in my blood, I started to crawl around it in pain, even tho as I was held in place by arms and legs. After some time I calmed down as I had fainted

-In my head-
I woke up in a room like the one I was always closed in when I had my adoptive family, but nicer as it looked like a bar with a poker table in the middle, all my personalities playing as I sat down with them

They all looked at me "Wanna join the match?" Titan said as I nodded. Pride gave out the cards, 5 each as we all checked them. "I change 2...." Joker said, "I change 4" Titan called, "I change none...I'm good like this" I told, "He is bluffing.... Give me 1" Hunter maniacally spoke, Cavaliere sighed "I fold... No luck in game... Maybe it will be better in Love", Pride looked at his "I have 0.21% of chances of winning... I fold too... Go ahead and play".

Titan got a couple of kings, that got easily beaten by a tris of 5 by Joker.... Hunter was winning with a flush, luckly I won with a royal flush "This is my win" I said smiling as everyone was shocked.

Hunter got his hand on my collar "You bitch, I will cut your throat!" Titan and Joker feared for my life. "Come on... Do it... You must know better than everyone... I don't fear death..." He smirked and left me "Good... I teached you something!" He said proudly as they all left, then I shifted back into reality.

I woke up in bed, seems it was my dorm as I was paired with the same girl I talked to this morning, I sighed and looked towards the wall. I couldn't sleep so I just got up and dressed with what I found on a chair nearby: camo pants, white tank shirt, dog tag with both my nicknames and my blood group and army boots. I got outside and looked up at the sky... judging by the moon's position it was close to 1 a.m. I started training as I seemed a bit too strong, I looked at my arms as they seemed too buffed.... That didn't sound right.... Pride... You there?

Yeah? What is it? We could communicate through thoughts to not make everything wired with others I am too much buffed, my muscles are a bit too much ... Your thoughts? Pride hummed as he analyzed the possibilities .....You have a possibility to make you bleed and taste it? Pride thought as I sighed.

I bite my thumb and tasted it, Pride though Hmmm... Maybe it was that injection of before... Seems like it not only buffed you outside, but even your abilities... In fact your parameters were never this high!

I was in shock at first, but then it turned into a smirk "Finally... A new beginning~"

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