After a couple minutes her laugher died down, she slid her tongue against her sharp teeth creating a small cut. "I understand perfectly but I don't think that you understand your situation or who you are messing with."

He scoffed before slapping her again but she still kept her crazed smile. "What exactly are you going to do if you are tied up?"

"Hmm nothing really. But as soon as master comes for me there will be hell to pay."

He chuckled. "That's what I was planning on. You see Tomura Shigaraki killed most of my gang member so I want to make him pay. It was quite a shock when I heard that he has a little toy. Not only that but that you were once a pro hero. What did he do to break you?"

(Y/N) growled. "He didn't break me. If anything he fixed me he made me see that society is cruel and deserves to feel the pain that they have made me feel. I can't wait to be able to rip your throat out. You said it has been three days, so my bloodlust will be at it's peak tomorrow that means I'm super hungry."

(Y/N) continued smiling and laughing as she smelled the air. "Oh are you scared? I tend to have that effect on people. Why are you scared? Is it my eyes? My obsession with blood? My horn and tail?"

He slapped her again. "Shut up."

"You know you hit like a bitch. I can tell you definitely don't have a strength quirk."

This time instead of a slap he threw a punch. She chuckled, spitting out some of her blood.

"I mean honestly if you want me to shut up then you could just leave the room or are to stupid to have realized that?"

He growled before standing up and kicking her in the stomach.

Her crazed smile never faltered as she looked up at him. "Harder."

He looked down at her in disgusted. "You are one crazy bitch."

"You don't even know that half of it."


Another few days passed, her hunger for regular food grew along side her hunger for blood. The male would come in and repeatedly beat her until she passed out.

Trying to ignore the hunger and pain she thought about ways to kill the man. Once she couldn't come up with anymore ways she started thinking about Tomura. Wondering if he cared about her enough to recuse her? What if he was lying when he said he loved her? She didn't want to believe it but as the hours of the day disappeared so did her hope.

Her face was bruised, wrist red and covered in rope burns. She was in so much pain that she didn't realize the new smells and that someone was calling her name while untying her.

"Hey wake up."

Slowly she opened her eyes to see a female figure.

(Y/N) felt something against her lips. "Drink this but don't use your quirk."

Smelling a familiar metallic smell she immediately drunk the small tube. It tasted sweet and familiar, immediately her mind was filled with one and only one person.

Grabbing Togas shoulder she looked at her. "Where is Tomura?"

"He is trying to find the guy who took you."

(Y/N) stood up. "No, it was a trap he's trying to kill Tomura. Where did he go?"

Toga pointed. "He is somewhere down that hall. I'll follow you."

Both girls started running. (Y/N) much faster then toga but toga caught up when (y/n) stopped when there were three different pathways.

(Y/N) took a deep breath and a couple small ones before running down the middle pathway. Another minute of running they appeared in a room. The man was on top of an unconscious Tomura with a knife to his throat.

"Get off of my master!" (Y/N) screamed, tackling the man before bitting and ripping off a piece of his neck. His screams filled the room as she started spitting the piece on the ground, ignoring the fact that his blood was squirting all over her. She began choking the man digging her blood covered nails into his throat.

"I told you that I was going to rip your throat out. You should have killed me when you had the chance."

She looked into his eyes before smirking. "I thought you weren't scared of me. Well that doesn't matter whether you are or not you are still going to die."

She felt a hand on her shoulder. "(Y/N) he is already dead."

She got off of him, sighing while licking the blood off her hands. "He really didn't last long. How disappointing."

(Y/N) bent down and checked Tomura for injuries. "He was hit on the head so he might have a concussion other then that he looks fine." She lifted him up bridal style as the other league members started coming into the room.

Toga pulled out a phone and called someone. "Kurogiri gate please."

A few seconds later a portal appear and everyone walked though.

(Y/N) gently set Tomura on the couch before sitting on the floor next to him.

"Woah, child you are covered in blood."

She looked down at herself then at Kurogiri. "It's not mine. I guess I should go clean myself."

After getting cleaned and dressed she walked back into the bar. Tomura was sitting up grabbing his head, as soon a he saw her he stood up and pulled her to his room. 

Break Me (Tomura Shigaraki x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant