Chapter 5

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Shigaraki walked into the room to see (y/n) curled in a ball shaking and whimpering. Walking closer he bent down next to the mattress. Her (s/c) skin looked sickly pale but that wasn't the weirdest thing. She had one black horn on the right side of her head and a pointed tail. Once she looked at him he noticed her eyes were changing between blood red and her normal (e/c). She growled at him baring her now sharp teeth. She also looked like she would attack him at any moment.

"Help ....... Me...." One of her hands reached towards him while her other hand held it back.

He could tell that she was in agony. Gently running three fingers through her hair. "What do you need?"

"Blood..... Not...... Yours"

Shigaraki quickly left the room, demanding that toga give him a bag of blood. Once he got it he rushed back, ripping it open he placed it to her lips. She grabbed it before turning away from him as she drunk it. He rubbed her back watching as the horns and tail slowly grew smaller until they disappeared.

She let of a sob. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I'm a freak and ugly. I don't get why you picked me."

"Turn around and look at me."

Turning around she looked at him, he rubbed the tears off of her cheeks.

"You are not a freak or ugly. You are beautiful."

"But I need blood in order not to lose control that's not normal. I'm not normal."

"Then don't be normal. Normal is boring. The normal people are the ones that bully people like us. You have urges that you shouldn't have to suppress. The horns and tail made you look unique."

She took a deep breath before closing her eyes, allowing the horns and tail to reappear. Feeling his hand caress her cheek she opened her eyes to see him smiling. "See you look lovely and I'll kill anyone who says otherwise."

She knew it was so wrong but his words made her feel special. No one has ever called her beautiful or lovely.

Leaning closer to him she kissed his cheek. "Thank you master."

He let out a small hum. "I do have a couple questions."

"Of course."

"Why do you only have one horn?"

(Y/N) bit her lip at the painful memories. Touching the left side of her head she parted her hair showing him a small stub "Father cut it off. I turned back before he could do the same to my other one or my tail."

He placed three finger on her hand. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. How does your quirk work. I know it has to do with blood but that's it."

"It's called bloodbind. Any person or animals blood that I ingest I control them if I chose to. The more of their blood I drink the longer I can control them. If I go three days without blood then my bloodlust gets really bad as you saw. What I look like now is what I really look like."

"Wait, so for your whole life you have been hiding what you really look like?"

She looked away from him ashamed. "Yeah, everyone who has seen the real me has been scared or would call me names. When we were younger I was afraid that you would be the same so I hid it. You were my only friend so I didn't want you to hate me."

He placed a finger under her chin making her look at him. "I could never hate you. You helped me whenever I was sad even though you were going through your own problems. Society is cruel. They judge and want to hurt the ones that don't look like themselves. That's what I want you to realize. The people that you protect are the same ones that have hurt you. Where were the heros when you were getting abused? Why are you protecting the people who have abandoned you?"

(Y/N) was speechless. She knew he was right no one came to rescue her. No matter how much she screamed and cried no one came. When people saw the bruises, cuts and dirt covering her body they turned away. From the moment that she could walk she had to take care of herself. So why was she protecting them?

"I don't know."

He gently rubbed two fingers along her hand. "You like fighting. You like the thrill. You have the urges. The urge for blood and to kill. Forget about being a hero and fulfill those urges by my side. You don't have to hold back or hid yourself. Show society that this is the real you. Make them hurt like they have hurt you."

His words made her heart flutter. He knew what she was feeling so well. She did want to make them suffer. She wanted to see their blood seeping through her fingers.

Shigaraki watched as her tail excitedly swung back and forth. They both were crazy and they both knew it.

She smiled. "I do want to make people suffer." He ruffled her hair with four fingers. "Good."

She blushed and looked at him. "Master?"


Her blush worsen. "Since I'm your pet. Does that mean I get a collar?"

He looked a bit shocked but then smiled. "Sure. What color?"


"Okay, we have a big day tomorrow so get some rest."

"Master can you sleep with me?"

"Of course let me go get the gloves."

He came back a minute later and laid next to her. Pulling her closer to him she laid her head on his chest. She fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.

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