Chapter 6

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"(Y/N) wake up."

She immediately but tiredly sat up looking at him.

"Close your eyes for a second."

Doing as she was told she felt something wrap around her neck. She smiled as her sharp tail dangerously swung behind her.

"You can open them now."

She opened her eyes seeing him holding a mirror. Looking at herself in the mirror she touched the (f/c) collar. "Thank you master. I love it."

"Are you ready to meet the rest of the league?"

"Yes master."

"Put this on then we can go."

Handing her a (f/c) dress she slipped it on before following him. For the first time she was out of the room. Looking around she noticed that they were in a bar. Multiple people sitting and talking on a couch. While others were leaning against a wall or sitting at the bar.

Shigaraki sat on a stool at the bar, following she sat next to him on the floor.

Looking around she noticed a male leaning against the wall staring at her while smirking. Quickly looking away she scooted closer to Shigaraki leg.

"Hey crusty is she why you have been wearing those stupid gloves?"

(Y/N)s head snapped in the males direction before baring her sharp teeth.

"Wow she's a feisty one. If you ever get bored of her I'll be sure to please her."

(Y/N) was about to attack the man until she felt a hand on top of her head causing her to relax.

A blonde hair girl kneeled down in front of her. "You're so cute. I wonder how beautiful your blood will look. Can I cut you?"

(Y/N) looked up at shigaraki, even though he had the hand over his face she could tell he was annoyed. Seeing that she was looking at him he shrugged.

Looking back at the girl she flashed her a smile. "I'll give you mine if you give me yours."

Togas eyes widened in glee before running out of the room. Coming back toga handed (y/n) a syringe before sticking one in her own arm. (Y/N) did the same and waited until it was full. They exchanged the syringes before toga happily walked back to the coach.

"Pet, introduce yourself."

(Y/N) straightened her back as everyone turned to her. "I'm (y/n), Tomura Shigaraki is my master." Extending one hand in front of her she made her nails grow into sharp claws. "If any of you try to hurt him I will not hesitate to watch as you bleed out."

Everyone in the room including Shigaraki was shocked.

"Isn't (y/n) the name of a pro hero?"

"It was but not anymore. Master made me see that people are cruel and deserve to suffer. To feel pain worse then what they have made me feel."

Toga jumped up again. "I think we will be really good friends."

(Y/N) looked back at Shigaraki to see he looked like he was in deep thought. He looked down at her. "Is your father still alive?"

(Y/N) tilted her head to the side. "Yes."

She could see the side of his mouth curl into a smile which made her tail wag. "You want to make him suffer?"

Her eyes widened in glee. "Yes please."

"Good. This will be your first mission. Lets go get disguises"

Break Me (Tomura Shigaraki x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz