Chapter 3

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"Oh good looks like you are awake."

(Y/N) groaned before opening her eyes only to be met with the same blue haired villain from earlier. She looked down to see that she was tied up and in a (color) dress. 'Not only did this bastard undress me he has the audacity to put me in a fucking dress.'

"Tch this is just what I needed in life. To be abducted by a villain how lovely."

"(Y/N) do you really not remember me?"

"Like I said before I have never met you so no I don't remember you."

Shigaraki looked off to the side thinking while scratching his neck. One hand reached to the hand removing it from his face and setting it to the side. "How about now?"

She blankly stared at him for a minute before her eyes widened. "T-tenko? But how."

"So now you remember though it makes me slightly happy it doesn't make me forgive you."

She was visibly shocked by his words. "Forgive me for what?"

"You said you would always be there for me but you weren't. No one except sensei was."

"Tenko, I had no clue where you lived. I looked and looked. Everyday I went to our meeting spot but you were never there."

"Lies. You abandoned me like everyone else. You gave up on me. You knew about my father and you gave up on me."

(Y/N) eyes narrowed but she kept her voice calm. "Do you think that you were the only one who was getting abused. All those bruises and cuts on my arms and face they were never from me being clumsy they were from my father. Despite all that I never gave up on you. I went from house to house asking everyone if they knew a child by the name of Tenko Shimura. Do you know how many people looked at me like I was crazy? I never ever gave up on you."

Shigaraki looked angry. "I hate liars."

"I'm not ly-" she was cut of by four fingers around her throat.

"I'm going to have fun breaking you. Molding you into my perfect pet. Doesn't that sound amazing." His grip tighten.


Shigaraki lips curled into a sadistic smiled as he watched (y/n) eyes close. He removed his hand, gently caressing her cheek with the back of his fingers. "You're beautiful"

(Y/N) woke up with a shock collar around her neck and Shigaraki rubbing her cheek.

"Ten-" she was cut off by one finger against her lips.

"Shh. Rule one. Don't speak unless you are spoken to. If you have a question then you will address me as master and wait for my response. Understood?"

(Y/N) glared. "Like hell I'll do that."

He smirked and lifted a small remote.

(Y/N) scoffed. "What is th- agh." She screamed as the collar sent a powerful and painful shock through her body. Once the shock stopped she gasped to catch her breath.

"Do you understand?"

"Tenko.... please... stop." This time she held back a scream as another shock was sent though her.

He bent down in front of her. "My name isn't Tenko anymore. It's Tomura Shigaraki but to you it's master. Now I'll ask once more do you understand the first rule?"

The look in his eyes terrified her. This isn't the little boy that she was best friends with. She knew he wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted.

"Yes, Master I understand."

"Second rule if you try to escape I'll find you and make sure that you experience the worst pain of your life. So bad that you will be begging for death. Understand?"

She held her head down, hair covering her face. "Yes."

"Third rule. If you don't follow my orders then you will be punished. Nothing to severe but still a punishment. Understand?"


"Yes what?"

Though he couldn't see she was glaring and angrily biting the inside if her cheek. "Yes master."

"Good. Now I'm going to ask you some questions. If I feel like you are lying I will shock you. First question. Are you scared of me?"

"No." Another shock but this time was stronger then the other two.

She let out a choked sob as she laid her head against the wall. "Master I am scared."

He placed a finger under her chin making her look up at him. "What are you scared of?"


He smirked as he pushed his rough dry lips on hers. After a second he pulled away. "Kiss me back." Placing his lips back onto hers she reluctantly kissed back. A few seconds passed before he pulled away. He pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Do you think you're pretty?"

She thought about it before looking away. "No."


"My past, my father, bullies."

"I think you are quite beautiful."

(Y/N) was extremely confused. 'What is he trying to accomplish? I guess I have to play his game until I can escape.'

"Thank you. Master."

He patted the top of her head before standing up. "I'll be right back. I have a little surprise for you." He shot her a sadistic smile before leaving.

(Y/N) had a really bad feeling about what was going to happen next. She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that the innocent boy she once knew and loved was now a villain who enjoyed peoples pain and suffering.

Was he faking innocence like she was? No, he couldn't have she would have seen right through it plus the way he cried in her arms there was nothing fake about that. What happened to turn him into this?

Hearing the door open she turned her head towards it to see him walking towards her with a syringe. Not knowing what was in it she started panicking. She kicked her legs at him in an attempt to keep him away. She stopped when the shock collar sent an intense shock though her. Bending down he grabbed her arm and injected the fluid into her. A few seconds later she groaned when a burning pain shot throughout her entire body. "What d-did you give m-me?"

"Something that will hopefully break you."

"Break me?"

"I have another syringe with the antidote. As soon as it is given to you the pain will stop. That's where the fun come in. I won't give it to you unless you beg for it. Promise that you will stay with me and only me, that you'll be my pet and I'll give it to you."


Without saying a word he left. For the first hour she was able to ignore the pain but soon it felt like her insides were on fire. She would occasionally pass out only to wake up because of a horrible nightmare. Her heart was beating at a rapid pace and she was drenched in sweat.

Banging the back of her head against the wall a mixer of her sobs and laughter filled the otherwise quiet and empty room. "You're fucking c-crazy. Why don't you just kill me. You sadistic bastard."

A few more hours passed before Shigaraki walked back into the room. (Y/N) wanted to scream at him or punch him but her body was far to weak. She couldn't even hold her head up to look at him all she could do was uncontrollably shaking and sob. "P-please ..... master..... It.... h-hurts...... I'll..... stay."

She gasped feeling a needle in her arm. A few seconds later the pain disappeared. Grabbing a strand of her hair he twirled it around his finger. "I must say that you lasted longer then I thought you would. Now get some rest."

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