"Go and play with a ball of string." Cassandra sassed. "Everywhere, disease. This is the human world. Sickness!" Casp said before one of the infected touched her ankle and Galaxy watched as she herself became infected before she fell to her death. "Move, now!" Galaxy shouted to Cassandra with a frown on her face. Cassandra made it to the door that would open to the next level, only problem was it wouldn't open. "Now what do we do?" Cassandra asked. "Use his sonic screwdriver," Astro told her. "You mean this thing?" Cassandra asked as she pulled out the sonic. "Yes, he means that thing."

"Well, I don't know how. That Doctor's hidden away all his thoughts." Cassandra said and Galaxy groaned, the one time he wanted to hide the important things. "Cassandra, go back into me. The Doctor can open the door then." Galaxy told her. "With that mutt on your back, no way." Cassandra scoffed and Astro growled at her. "Just do it!" Galaxy shouted as glared up at her. "Hold on tight," Cassandra said before she transferred to Galaxy. "OK. Open it!" Cassandra yelled up to the Doctor now that she was in Galaxy's body. "Not till you get out of her." The Doctor ordered. "We need the Doctor!" Cassandra yelled at him.

"I order you to leave her." Cassandra rolled her eyes before she swapped back to controlling the Doctor. "Why not just transfer into me?" Rose asked them. "Because then the two would argue about her possessing you and we'd never get anywhere," Astro complained, though he was enjoying the show of watching Cassandra going between the Doctor and Galaxy. "No matter how difficult the situation, there is no need to shout," Cassandra said. "Cassandra, get out of him!" Galaxy shouted to her. "But I can't go into you, he simply refuses. He's so rude." Cassandra complained. "Then go into one of the infected, that way you're in neither of us!" Galaxy told her. "Oh, I am so going to regret this," Cassandra said before she did what Galaxy suggested and transferred into the infected woman below them.

"Oh, sweet Lord. I look disgusting." Cassandra said as she looked over herself and the Doctor got the door open before he helped Rose and Astro jumped off Galaxy's back when she got levelled with the floor. "Lovely to have you back." The Doctor said as he held out a hand for Galaxy who took it and he pulled her through the door but Cassandra was able to transfer her energy back into Galaxy who falls inside and sat against the wall. "That was your last warning, Cassandra!" The Doctor shouted as he glared down at her. "Inside her head. They're so alone. They keep reaching out, just to hold us. All their lives and they've never been touched." Cassandra said as she looked off into space before she focused when the Doctor offered her his hand and she took it.

Once she was up the four went through a door that opened up to Ward 26 and Clovis rushed at them with a metal stand in her hands. "We're safe! We're safe! We're safe! We're clean!" The Doctor quickly said so she wouldn't attack them. "Show me your skin." She told them and Rose, Cassandra and the Doctor showed her. "Look, clean. Look, if we'd been touched, we'd be dead. So how's it going up here? What's the status?" The Doctor asked her. "There's nothing but silence from the other wards. I think we're the only ones left. And I've been trying to override the quarantine. If I can trip a signal over to New New York, they can send a private executive squad."

"You can't do that. If they forced entry, they'd break quarantine." The Doctor warned her, though Astro had a feeling she didn't care. "I am not dying in here." She told him. "We can't let a single particle of disease get out. There is ten million people in that city. They'd all be at risk. Now, turn it off!" The Doctor shouted at her. "Now if it gets me out." Clovis insisted. "All right, fine. So I have to stop you as well. Suits me. Rose, Galaxy, Astro, Novice Hame, everyone! Excuse me, your Grace. Get me intravenous solutions for every single disease. Move it!" The Doctor ordered and everyone collected the drip bags while Astro helped him collect some rope that he used to carry the bags on his body.

"How's that? Will that do?" The Doctor asked them as Cassandra was putting the final bag on him. "I don't know," Rose said as she shrugged her shoulders. "Will it do for what?" Cassandra asked confused before the Doctor grabbed her hand and pulled her to the lift, leaving Rose and Astro safely with Hame. "The lifts aren't working." Cassandra reminded him as she crossed her arms. "Not moving. Different thing. Here we go." The Doctor said as he moved back a bit and put his sonic in his mouth before he ran. "But you're not going to..." Cassandra said as she watched the Doctor run and grab the lift cable. "What do you think you're doing?" She asked him.

"I'm going down! Come on!" He shouted to her as he attached a round piece of equipment on the cable. "Not in a million years." Cassandra scoffed to him. "I need another pair of hands. What do you think? If you're so desperate to stay alive, why don't you live a little?" He asked her. "Seal the door!" Clovis said and Cassandra looked to see she was trapped with some of the infected people that were approaching. "No!" She shouted before she jumped on to the Doctor's back and wrapped her arms around his neck. "You're completely mad. I can see why she loves you." Cassandra noted smirking a bit. "Going down!" The Doctor said, ignoring her comment and the two went down and Cassandra held onto him while she screamed, finally the Doctor slowed them down when they got to top of the lift before they made a gentle stop.

"Well, that's one way to lose weight," Cassandra remarked as she let go of the Doctor. "Now, listen. When I say so, take hold of that lever." The Doctor told her as he pointed to a lever on top of the lift. "There's still a quarantine down there, we can't-" "Hold that lever! I'm cooking up a cocktail. I know a bit about medicine myself." The Doctor cut her off and started to pour the contents of the drip bags in the lifts disinfectant tank. "Now, that lever's going to resist. But keep it in position. Hold onto it with everything you've got."

"What about you?" Cassandra asked him. "I've got an appointment. The Doctor is in." He said before he dropped into the lift itself and he opened the door where some of the infected people were laying around, "I'm in here! Come on!" He shouted at them to get their attention. "Don't tell them," Cassandra complained. "Pull that lever!" He shouted up to her and Cassandra rolled her eyes before she grabbed onto the lever and pulled. "Come and get me. Come on! I'm in here! Come on!" The Doctor shouted. "Commence stage one disinfection." The lift announced. "Hurry up! Come on!" The Doctor shouted just as the contents from the disinfectant tank pour onto him. "Come on, come on." The first lot of the humans entered the lift and they were sprayed with the disinfectant before they left. "All they want to do is pass it on. Pass it on!"

"Pass on what? Pass on what?" Cassandra asked as she continued to pull on the lever. "Pass it on!" The Doctor shouted to the humans, though he wished that Cassandra wasn't possessing Galaxy so she could see it herself. "What did they pass on? Did you kill them? All of them?" Cassandra asked after the Doctor helped her down from the top of the lift. "No. That's your way of doing things." The Doctor told her as they walked out and Rose and Astro came up to them. "I'm the Doctor, and I cured them." He carried on and a woman came over and hugged him. "That's right. Hey, there we go, sweetheart. Got to him. Go on, that's it. That's it. It's a new sub-species, Cassandra. A brand new form of life. New humans! Look at them. Look! Grown by cats, kept in the dark, fed by tubes, but completely, completely alive. You can't deny them, because you helped create them. The human race just keeps on going, keeps on changing. Life will out! Ha!"

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