Chapter 4

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(Andy's Pov)

Today we are going to record a new Vlog but I really don't want to, because I feel like crap. I have had a bad headache, a sore throat and dizziness since I was awake. But I don't wanna tell the boys. I don't want them to worry. It's probably just a cold, so no need to worry.

During the day it all got worse. My head is aching so bad. It feels like someone is playing drums inside it. Sometimes I was so dizzy, I couldn't even see properly. And my throat... Let's not speak about that.
I can't breathe properly and it's so annoying!

I even had to use my Inhaler once, and so, the boys noticed it. My vision began to get blurry. I was falling. Someone caught me. And then it all went black.

(Rye's Pov)

I noticed how strange Andy was acting, but he wouldn't talk to me. After he had used his inhaler he told us about his sore throat, dizziness and his bad headache. It sounded terrible how he described it...

I was really worried... He said he didn't want to go to hospital, but I of course was taking him to the hospital. I didn't care, how much he would hate me for that. I just wanted Fovvs to be healthy.

Just as we were about to leave I saw him falling. Luckily I was behind him so I could catch him. He fainted... I picked him up bridal style and carried him to the car. Honor stood at the door but I couldn't care less at the moment. All that mattered was Andy.

As we arrived at the hospital, I again picked him up bridal style and brought him to the doctor. I told them what Andy had told us and waited for the doctors to come out of the room again. (A/N let's not think about the Coronavirus)

Hours passed and I still didn't hear anything from Andy. I was the only one here. Robbie drove us to the hospital, since Andy and I were the only one that could actually drive and I stayed by Andy in the backseat. Robbie drove after 2 hours home, but I wanted to stay.

The boys and Honor keept calling me and I was so pissed at this moment that I turned off my phone.

I must have fallen asleep, because I was awoken by someone saying my name.
"Mr.Beaumont?" I turned my head to the side and saw a doctor. "How is he?" I asked while jumping from the chair.
"He's fine now. He was just very stressed and therefore he had these kind of symptoms. His voice was overwhelmed and therefore the sore throat. You can go and see him if you want!" He didn't even wait for my answer, he just went to a room, which I guessed is Andy's.

I sat in the chair, beside the bed and watched him sleeping. I called the boys and told them that Andy was fine. They are going to visit Andy tomorrow, while I will spend all night here.

I hadn't called Honor back. I didn't want to and I still don't want to. Things have changed between us, but not in a good way.

All I could think about was Andy. Why was he so stressed out? Was it because of me? And what did he mean with 'I have to deal with my own problems first'? I'm so confused...

I watched him a few more minutes and went to sleep.

(Andy's Pov)

The first thing I saw, as I woke up was a sleeping Rye. He was sat in a chair next to my bed.
But I couldn't recognize the room. It looked like a hospital? That's when all the memories came back...

My vision began to get blurry. I was falling. Someone caught me. And then it all went black.
*end of flashback*

I looked to my left again and wondered why he was still here. He could have gone home, but he stayed here. He could have slept in his comfortable bed, but he chose the uncomfortable chair instead. Why?

I admired his beautiful face features, his hair (A/N image that he has still hair) , his nose, his collarbone... You see what I mean? I don't think I should think about him like that...

I noticed how rye started to stir, but he fell asleep again. I woke him up and I didn't even know why...
"Hey, how do you feel?" He asked me with his husky voice. "I'm fine, what about you?"
"Fine just tired"
"How long have you been here? And why would you stay in this uncomfortable chair?"
"I was there all the time and I wanted to stay with you..." Why would he want to stay with me? I don't care now... I started to move to the other side of the bed and said "Come sleep with me". As Rye layed down beside me, I put my head on his chest and he put his arm around my waist. And so we fell asleep again.

*The next day*

(Andy's Pov)

We were woken up from noises in the room. I turned to the side to see the Doc and the Boys.
"Good morning Mr.Fowler! How do you feel?"
"I'm feeling fine just a litte headache"
"Ok, I want to keep you here until tomorrow, so this won't happen again. You must have been really stressed out!"
I just hummed in response and the doc left.

"Hey..." I greeted them.
"Hey Andy, how are you?" Brook asked me.
"Better than yesterday" I said laughing.
The boys just smirked at me. "What?" I asked confused.
"What is he doing in the bed?" Harper asks and pointed with his finger to Rye. "I didn't want him to sleep in the uncomfortable chair, so I asked him if he wants to sleep in the bed".

We talked for a few hours and then all the boys, except Rye went home again. I told him he could also go, but he didn't want to, so he stayed.

We talked a bit and cuddled until the day was over.


This was the 4th Chapter...
Let me know what you think about it in the comments!

Is it love or just confusion? (Randy)Where stories live. Discover now