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I doubt I'd ever see Luke again, since he wouldn't come to my flat without me ordering a pizza. I crawl to the bathroom and scrape off last nights makeup, not bothering to put any on. There was no one to impress no more.

I get changed in the space of ten minutes and walk down to the little coffee shop on the corner that had taken my liking.

A bell rings when I enter and my nose fills with nice smelling incense. I take a seat on a sofa next to a window, and slide my arms out of my jacket.

A blonde haired four year old comes and stands next to me for a second then sticks a folded piece of paper in front of me. I frown.


"Luke told me to give you that," The little girl interrupts me and runs out the shop. Luke was leaning against a wall outside and it looked like he said thank you to her then sticks his hands into his pockets and wanders off down the street.

So I guess he hadn't forgotten me after all, I thought he was drunk when he kissed me last night. Luke is really not like other guys.

I'm quite surprised. I open the piece of paper to find he had written his mobile number down. I blush.

A waiter takes my order.

Just before sliding back to the kitchen; he took the paper assuming it was rubbish and ripped it up.

"Excuse me, I needed that," I say loudly.

"What this?" He said pointing to the paper. "Sorry, I thought it was rubbish," He handed me back the shreds then whisked off to the kitchen in embarrassment.

Mission a go.


When I arrive back home, the clock read six pm, so I must've been out for hours. Or I could have just got up late.

The home phone was flashing red, I click the answer phone button to see if I missed any calls.

"3 missed calls,
One message,
2 missed calls from Emily,
1 message from Andy... Hello Haley, just to say that I think your a bit out of order for not talking to your forever best-,
That is all your messages,"

I could not take another hearing of that pathetic squirrel that calls himself Andy. Who does he think he is.

I place the bits of paper from my bag and arrange them into sequence but no pieces fit into any tight place. That waiter sure has shredding skills I can't muster. After an hour of fiddling I had two missing numbers and discovering them would be terribly difficult.

Dominos [ Luke Hemmings au unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now