Chapter 1

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"You know, sometimes I think that the gods are a bit kinky," Samm's voice was slightly muffled as she licked her strawberry ice cream.

"You think so?" Caster was enjoying his own frozen treat - a sundae. The fudge-covered delicacy was quickly melting as he took his sweet-ass time eating it.

"Yeah I mean, all they seem to want us to do is fuck. Like none of them really care about what we are going to do with our lives." Samm had gotten to the cone, and was crunching the edges.

"Have you spoken to any of the gods?" Caster pointed out, licking up some of the sprinkles that had ended up on his face.

Samm opened her mouth to retaliate, but was immediately cut off by Caster.

"Aside from those two." Caster tilted the bowl so that all of the melted ice cream slid into his mouth. Once it was gone, he went back at scooping up little bits of the solid parts with the edge of his spoon. "Everyone around here has spoken to Them."

"Yeah I know." Samm stuck her tongue out at Caster. She partially disguised the rude action by taking a big lick of ice cream.

"Why do you even care though?"

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"Well lately you can't seem to shut up about the gods." Caster reached out to hit the button for the crosswalk. "It's Sona this, soulmate that - did something happen?"

"I guess you're right, I have. It's just - I want my soulmate to be an actual human being. I want some kind of excuse to just leave this disgusting country." Samm dashed across the road once the green light appeared, and Caster followed in suit.

"You have a point. Though, I would like to bring up the fact that any children that you have aren't going to be totally human anyways." Caster had by now finished his ice cream and tossed the paper cup and biodegradable spoon into a street recycling bin.

Samm didn't respond. While her own mother had been a human, her father had been half fish - courtesy of Sona, the primary god that controlled this country. Sona liked messing around with fate, causing the soulmates of various humans and animals to be that of a completely different species. His goddess wife, Lee also did similar actions.

As a result of being one-quarter fish, Samm had an extra pair of eyelids. Her fingers and toes were slightly webbed, and her ears were a bit fin-like. She could breathe underwater, and her long hair was dark blue. Her eyes were brown, and her light skin had a blue tint to it.

Caster's appearance was a little bit more extreme as his father had been a mountain goat. His legs were goat legs, and on top of his head there were a pair of curly horns. His arms and chest had thick patches of light brown fur.

"But yeah, I do see your point," Caster said. "I've never been out of the country either but based on what I've seen of other countries online, pretty much anywhere sounds better than here. Not like you can leave though."

"I could leave if my soulmate was outside of the country." Samm shoved the last little triangle of the cone into her mouth, crunching happily. She wore a pastel pink crop top and a pair of pastel yellow shorts. Her sneakers were solid black. On her back was a bright red backpack that carried her school books.

"Yeah and what are the chances that you're going to end up with a foreign soulmate? Those two have this whole region under their thumb." Caster wiped some sweat off of his forehead with the bottom of his t-shirt.

"Well, my soulmate hasn't been determined yet, now has it?" Samm pointed out. She noticed a free pile outside an apartment building, and gave it a quick glance over. It was mainly junk.

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