Chapter 10

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Crack! I swung the bat on the glass and gritted my teeth, watching the piece break into a million smaller pieces. Anger filled my body while I continued smashing that piece, each swing more forceful than the other.


"You know, I think it'd be easier to smash a different vase than the one you are smashing now," someone said from behind me, and I quickly twisted around with my bat clutched in my hands. My father stared at me in amusement, his eyes bright with concern.

I glared and turned away from him before I went over to the bag that I had placed with glass that we could break and picked one out. Silently, I set it on the tree stump and took a deep breath while I walked to the spot that I wanted to be.

Crack! I swung the bat into the middle of the dish, breaking it in half, and watched the pieces fly around me.

Sweat glistened on my forehead, and I wiped it away with the back of my hand while I panted. I gripped the bat tighter in my hand and set my jaw while I went after another piece and pounded it into the ground, letting out all the frustration and anger that I felt.

My father stayed silent and watched me beat the shit out of the piece of glass. He didn't say another while I let my anger out, knowing full well that I wouldn't be understood if he tried to ask a question.

Finally, after about thirty minutes of beating the crap out of that piece of glass, I threw the baseball bat as far and hard as I could before I sat down on the ground and panted, exhausted and feeling slightly better.

The squeak of the leather filled my ears, and I had a feeling that my dad got off the horse he had used to get to me and walked over, staying silent. He sat down beside me, the smell of his aftershave filling my nose.

My father sighed and moved a hand through his hair before he cleared his throat. He looked at me and cocked his head while he studied me, his eyes holding an unknown emotion in them. "Care to share?" he asked and raised an eyebrow.

"He hit her," I said, not saying who had hit who. I tore a piece of grass from the ground and started to tear it up into smaller pieces. "He had hit her, even though he had no right to."

"I know," my father, and I jerked my head and turned towards him so quickly that I was surprised that I didn't get whiplash. He gave me a sad smile and nodded in confirmation about my unasked question. "Both your mother and I know."

I furrowed my brows and cocked my head while I studied him. "Then why did you set him with me?" I asked, furrowing my brows further.

He sighed and leaned back on the ground, and placed his arm behind him. He stayed silent and cocked his head while he stared out into the horizon as if that would have the answer that he sought. "Because you need him," he said, and I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "You do," he pressed gently. "You don't know it yet, but you do." He looked at me. "He needs you too."

I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Ya right," I muttered and looked away, pursing my lips. "Why would he need me?"

"Because you are as stubborn as him and can't be pushed around," my father replied. "He needs someone that will fight him at every turn and not to become submissive when something becomes tough."

I rolled my eyes. "And what if he smacks me?" I asked and turned to look at him. "You know that I'm not going to tolerate that."

"I know," he replied. "I do want you not to beat the crap out of him if he does. However, I would suggest that you warn him that if he does smack or hit you that you will break his nose."

I bit back a satisfied smirk and leaned back, making sure that I was careful of the broken pieces that still littered the ground. "I will," I said. "I'll warn him that he shouldn't hit others because it isn't right."

"And because you will tell him off," my father chuckled. He cleared his throat and leaned further back. "Rose told me that he had hit her sometimes," he said, changing the subject. "She was scared that he would hit you and didn't want you to be his person any longer." He looked at me before he looked toward the horizon again. "I was slightly pissed but told her that I wouldn't move you away from him."

I slowly nodded and cleared my throat. "Does Mom know?" I asked, and my father nodded in confirmation. "What does she have to say about this?"

"She says that you can smack him around a bit, but you have to warn him first." He looked at me. "You can't beat the crap out of him, even though I know that you would want to if he did lay a hand on you."

I nodded and pursed my lips. "What if he hits someone else?" I asked.

"I warned him about that," he replied and shrugged. "I told him that if he ever did slap someone, then he would have to deal with me, and he did not want to deal with me." He set his jaw and cleared his throat. "I think that he got the message while we went to his room."

"You just didn't say anything about me?" I raised an eyebrow while I looked at my father.

He shrugged. "That would have taken the fun out of it for you," he replied. A small smile appeared on his face while he looked at me. "I didn't want you to miss out on all the fun."

I smiled and nodded, feeling relieved that I would be able to tell Kanen that he did not want to try to slap me because I would slap him back. "Thanks, Dad," I said and leaned against him.

My father shifted and moved until he was able to put his head on mine. "Anything you, Emmie," he replied. "Anything for you."

The Broken Soldier She Fell For (Book 2 of Something Series)Where stories live. Discover now