Chapter 5

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Kanen lagged behind me, but I didn't care. He didn't want to talk to me, and I didn't want to talk to him. His gaze was on my back, and I had a feeling that he wanted to do something but didn't know what.

"Ok," I said, twisting around until I was facing him. I raised an eyebrow when he glared at me but only scowled. "I know that my dad wants me to take you to your dorm to get settled in, but I need to check up on something first. Would that be ok?"

He didn't reply and only narrowed his eyes. He set his jaw, and I could tell that he didn't want to talk to me.

I waited for a few seconds before I rolled my eyes and turning around and facing forward. "Checking on stuff it is," I said. I started to go in the opposite way than the buildings that housed the people that lived here.

As soon as I took the path that said 'barn this way,' Kanen stopped his wheelchair and didn't follow me. He stayed silent and waited for me to turn around and scold him, but I didn't.

I didn't make any notice that I knew he had stopped, waiting to see if he would stay there or go the other way. I had a feeling that he wouldn't follow me, but I could be wrong even if I didn't let him know that I knew he wasn't moving.

The clip-clop of hooves against the concrete filled my ears, and I moved to the side to let the riders pass. However, they didn't and just walked to the side of me. "Hey, Emmie," one of the riders greeted me, and I looked up to see that it was José with Marisol holding onto his waist. "Did you lose someone?"

I smiled and shook my head. "Hey, José and Marisol," I said. "Did you enjoy your ride together?"

José scowled and narrowed his eyes. "No respondiste a mi pregunta. ¿Por qué no? (You didn't answer my question. Why not?)"

I furrowed my brows and cocked my head. "¿Qué? Lo siento, no hablo español. (What? I am sorry, I do not speak Spanish.)"

José scowled and narrowed his eyes further. He did not like it that I was playing with him when we both knew that I was fluent in both Spanish and English. "Muy gracioso, (Very funny)," he said sarcastically. "Acabas de hablar español, Emmy. (You just spoke Spanish.)"

"Qué? (What?)" I asked, putting a hand over my heart. I furrowed my brows further and looked at him, confused. "No sé español. (I don't know Spanish.)"

He huffed and shook his head, rolling his eyes at me. "Fine," he said, annoyed. "You didn't answer my question. Why not?"

I shrugged my shoulders and smirked, happy that I got him annoyed. "Porque no quería responder a tu pregunta, (Because I didn't want to answer your question)," I replied, and he scowled.

Marisol snorted. "Muy gracioso, (Very funny,)" she said, and José turned around and scowled at her. She blinked and cocked her head, unamused. "I can't see your scowl, José," she pointed out. "I don't know why you are scowling."

"Because you can feel it," he replied before he turned to face the direction we were going in.

The sound of an electric wheelchair filled the air around us, and I knew that Kanen started to come this way. However, I didn't look in that direction to see what he was doing.

"To answer your question, no, I did not lose anyone," I said. "He did not want to talk to me and tell me what he wanted to do, so I went into the direction of the barn."

José nodded. "I guess he stopped when he saw that you didn't go towards the dorms and waited for you to go back towards him."

"Yep," I replied. "I guess he wanted me to scold him, but..." I shrugged and grimaced. I hadn't been in the mood to scold him, and I wasn't then.

He was a grown-ass man and was able to make his own decisions, and unless he wanted to get lost, the best decision was to follow me or wait there until I was done with what I needed to do.

"But what?" Kanen asked, moving to my side. He glared when I merely glanced at him before I looked forward again.

"But I could care less," I replied, shrugging my shoulders. I glanced around to make sure that there were no kids before I looked at him. "If you want to be a dick, then fine, you can be a dick. I will act like a bitch, and Honey, I have a bigger dick than you." I winked, and he scowled and narrowed his eyes.

José covered a laugh with a cough and cleared his throat. "I am José," he said, nodding his head to Kanen in greeting. He tapped his girlfriend's hand, and she waved. "The beautiful female behind me is Marisol. I am one of the stablehands here, so if you need any help, then you may come and ask me."

"Kanen," he replied, looking up at them. He pursed his lips in disgust and studied them before he looked forward. "And I don't think I will need your help any time soon."

Marisol snorted and rolled her eyes. "That's what she said," she muttered under breath, and I had to bite back a snicker. "I said the same thing, but it turns out that I am good at riding horses."

"Oh, ya? And what is wrong with you? I don't think that there is anything wrong, unlike me. I do have a disability."

Marisol stared at him with unseeing eyes. She didn't blink and wasn't fazed by his disrespect. "I am blind," she replied coldly. "I have been blind for five years after an accident, so do not say that I don't have a disability. You never know what people are going through until you give them a chance."

I bit my lip to keep myself from saying something. I knew that she was right and hoped that it would change his attitude. However, I knew that wasn't a possibility, and I would have to live with his disrespect until I found something that could break through to him and get him to know that not all of us were bad.

I didn't know what.

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